The Advancement by L. Russ Bush
By: Theedman713 • December 3, 2018 • Book/Movie Report • 1,608 Words (7 Pages) • 1,244 Views
A Review and Critique of The Advancement by L. Russ Bush
Submitted to Dr. Daniel Sorin Farcas
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the completion of
APOL 500 – DO6
Introduction to Apologetics
Eddie Ray McMurray
December 2, 2018
L. Rush Bush, The Advancement, B & H Publishing Group, Nashville, TN (2003) 119
In The Advancement, L. Russ Bush presents his case against the resurrection, rise and promulgation of an old worldview that seeks new life and sanctification in and of itself because it is so pervasively accommodating to the endless advancement found in the world as we view it today. Bush realizes and notes that the is there is an end to the supposed Inevitable historical advancement, an end to inevitable progress, an end to inevitable advancement, no matter how well adapted or well-apportioned is appears to be in providing answers for what ails the world and mankind. Tailor made for this present age and the human psyche, masquerading as the supreme answer to all that ails mankind and the world the advancement crouched like a tiger, springs out to catch many unaware because it is so malleable and accommodating of everyone and to everything. Revealing, defining and exposing the major tenets of the “new” worldview which has transmogrified itself as an all-consuming world view by incorporating as many worldviews as available to pad its nest of errors, deceptions and missteps, L. Russ Bush, fires a comprehensive volley across the bow of advancing humanism, advancing naturalism, and all modern theistic alternatives the advancement incorporates by methodically exposing, defining and comparing them to the truths found in the Christian worldview.
Summary of the Book
Consisting of only 8 Chapters L. Rush Bush’s book, The Advancement informs us of an encroachment diametrically opposed to the truth, and advancing at a precipitous rate. Enabled and supported by every new advancements in the field of technology, medicine, science and life in thinking, and in general, the ubiquitous reach of this advancement is an all-consuming, self-perpetuating enterprise riding on history, technology and modern theistic views. The words “new”, “modern”, “secular” pervade the book and as a matter of caution and informative insight, Bush caveats that the “new” and modern, and secular is not so new and modern, but it is certainly secular. He wrote the book to alert believers as well as humanity in general of the pressing need to seek truth in its purest form, since most minds have already been infiltrated by the subtleties of this advancement. Fully furnished with enough information, as well as those who have hearing ears, to the dangers, subtleties and disparity found in the worldview of The Advancement, covers topics such as The Worldview of the Advancement, both the Modern Worldview and The Christian Worldview, The Rise in Advancement Science The Advancement and Theory of Knowledge, The Traditional Theory of Knowledge and the Modern Theory of Knowledge. Bush does not appear hopeless or helpless, but convinced that the best defense is a better offense. While not shying away from the mega-task before him, Bush meets the challenge head on, remaining slightly optimistic, but healthily cautious in the face of the tsunami-like power of The Advancement since nothing is left untouched in its wake. Though not given to despair Bush is healthily cautious, but faithfully optimistic that, in spite of everything that assails the planet, the truth has and will maintain the upper hand.
While not looking fondly back to the halcyon days of a yesteryear, Bush looks back to the past without melancholia but perhaps with a deep sense of loss, not necessarily attended by nostalgic ruminations that only lead to despair and frustration, but in a contemplative, comparative glance to the past, his brief, pointed, excursions, references, and reflections paint the past as “historical” and something we should not forget since the past shows how this sinister encroachment ,with almost imperceptible, clandestine stealth and precision has creeped in unawares and consumed all of us in one form or the other. “An enemy hath done this”, and from the many statements Bush makes about the advancement’s permeation into the highest reaches of everything sacred and secular, he seems to be resigned to “let them both grow together until the harvest:” This suggests, as Bush wrote, that “the struggle of life in Western society was not primarily the physical struggle; it was the spiritual one. (pg. 15). This obvious shift in, not only the battleground itself, but the source of the conflict is quite indicative of why this advancement is so pervasive and universal. In this scenario, man is his own God, and is fighting against himself, his limitations, and that alone is the enemy and the lack of advancement in any area, is the struggle.
On the heels of all of this falderal, comes a pseudo-New Worldview, which seems to rise organically out of this climate of the “gradual, inevitable progress [of] human history.” (Pg 15). What should have been a “gift from God” in view of the “turning to Him” Bush intimates has replaced Him. Followed closely by advances in science and technology, and the casting in the sand of “historical markers” and signposts, comes the rise of “new” everythings that seek to define life in a “new” and “modern” or “naturalistic” way. There are apparently alternatives to every facet of truth, , both modern and new, and Bush explores them all: New Physics, modern theistic alternatives, even a new look at Jesus to make him more culturally relevant (unfortunately, less divine) it seems and this is even pushed by theologians no less; but Bush holds his ground and handily proves that “the new” and “the modern” are not all that it portends; in many ways, to our detriment, it has contributed to the loss of the domination of Western Civilization by this age of Advancement. (Introduction). He assures all humanity that this advancement affects every continent of the world, every person collectively and individually, has reached the ivied walls of academia, as well as every school and institution of higher learning. Even those “in the trenches” are affected by its advance and none are shielded from nor immune to its reach. There are a few terms Bush introduces Modern Materialism, Uniformitarian Thought which he defines and fleshes out, but the greatest horror lies in The Loss of Freedom and The Loss of Truth, both which he explains just before addressing The Impact of Modern Thought on Theology.