Team Ghana Swot
By: william.graham • June 14, 2013 • Essay • 1,381 Words (6 Pages) • 1,899 Views
Team Ghana Swot pg 1
Swot Analysis
Team Ghana Swot pg 2
Ghana's Strengths as a Tourism Destination
1) Economic Strengths
Ghana's government has made progress in Ghana's program to strengthen its fiscal institutions.
Steps have been taken to improve the budget process and computerize public financial
management. Ghana has taken steps to have a top corporate tax rate of 25% and will give a "tax
holiday" for 10 years for establishing a business in rural areas. (
2) Safe and Secure
Blue collar crime is the most prevalent type of crime. Police are friendly, honest, and truthful.
Hotels and resorts have 24/7 protection and Ghana is a pretty safe place to visit.
3) Strong Culture and Heritage
From the bustling city of Accra to the mud huts of Asonte, the immense culture of Ghana not
only thrills visitors but fascinates them as well. The festivals to street vendors draws visitors
into the daily life that is certainly African culture.
Team Ghana Swot pg 3
Ghana's weakness as a Tourism Destination
1) Geographical Region
Being on the Westside of Africa airports and airline service is limited. Over 52% of visitors
arrived by air to the city of Accra. The country has invested heavily in that area and other
portions of the country have suffered. (Donnely, Tim.(2011/04).
2) Segment Market
Ghana's project of building a tour resort missed the mark when looking at the statistics of the
tourism market of consumers that come to the region. Most travelers that frequent the region
fall predominately in the business market and stay in Accra. Many foreigners are unfamiliar
with the market and assume that are is considered unsafe due to civil unrest in neighboring
3) Government
Ghana's government has corruption. Some corruption includes inhuman treatment and political
election fraud. This type of environment could prevent future contract bids for entrepreneurs
and stymie financial backing to launch future projects.
Team Ghana Swot pg 4
1) Increased Interest of African-American Heritage
There is an increased curiosity of African-American culture. Even more people today are
interested in visiting Africa and begin to understand the culture and bring some of that
experience back to the United States.
2) Tourism from other African Nations.
Unlike many of Ghana's neighbors, Ghana's different ethnic groups live side by side in
harmony. Ghana's biggest city of Accra is an attraction to many other nations in the area
because of the modern feel and foreign influence it has.
3) "Best Kept Secret"