Operations Management Report
By: Javed Dawoodani • July 6, 2019 • Business Plan • 2,616 Words (11 Pages) • 2,930 Views
1 | Letter of Transmittal | 2 |
2 | Remarks by Course Instructor | 3 |
3 | Executive Summary | 4 |
4 | Preface | 5 |
5 | Acknowledgement | 6 |
6 | Aims and Objectives | 7 |
7 | Importance of Location Planning | 8 |
8 | Factors affecting location decisions | 10 |
9 | Importance of locating a police headquarter | 12 |
10 | Methods of Data Collection | 13 |
11 | Methodology | 14 |
12 | Limitation of the study | 18 |
13 | Evaluation and Implementation | 19 |
14 | Conclusion and Recommendation | 20 |
15 | Bibliography | 20 |
Bahria University
Karachi Campus
13- National Stadium
Stadium Road
Date: 22nd MARCH’ 16
Sir Azhar Nisar
Faculty, Operations & Production Management
Bahria University
Subject: Letter of Transmittal
Respected Sir,
We feel fortunate by getting this opportunity to work on the research topic "Locating a police headquarter along the coastline of Karachi having a population of 0.5 million scattered over in 5 towns of the city". Significant amount of efforts has been made towards this project report, the emphasis was purely to get the required amount of information which is needed for the project. The project report has really helped us to gain an ample amount of experience regarding carrying out operations in a practical world.
We tried our best to cover out the loopholes and get the required amount of information keeping aside the time limit and constraints. However this project fulfilled the course requirements and we learned some new things about the business world.
Students of
Javed Dawoodani.
Bushra Amal.
Yasir Khattak.
Ibrahim Lodhi.
Syed Hamza Ali.
The research report covers all the locational strategies used in the establishment of a police headquarter on the coastline of Karachi city. This coastline includes the five towns and they are Korangi town, Landhi town, Korangi creek cantonment, Bin Qasim town, and Shah Faisal town. There are various methodologies which are being used to calculate the locational point and they are rectilinear method, center of gravity method and preference matrix method. This report covers all the aspects of location strategies and their limitations.
This report is being written, as an obligatory part of completing the course operations management taught by our esteemed professor Sir Azhar Nisar. Report writing is a practice which enables a student to develop their skills using technology allows the student to gain experience by meeting experienced employees and also improves their communication skills. The main aim of writing this report is to enhance the pupil’s knowledge of the subject and enrich their understanding of the subject.
This report sheds light on the topic of location strategies in establishing a police headquarter. The report will allow our understanding of the topic to increase and give a taste of how these successful businesses carry out their practices in order to reach their current heights
First of all we are thankful to Allah Almighty for bestowing upon us His graces.
In preparation of this report, I express my deep sense of gratitude to SP Ibadat Nisar (SP SECURITY EAST KARACHI), who guided us through the operations of police department.
I acknowledge with thanks the kind of patronage, loving inspiration and timely guidance, which I have received from my course instructor Mr. Azhar Nisar Cdr (retired) who gave us an opportunity to enhance our skills through despite his commitments helped me in doing this report.
Chapter I
Aims and Objectives
We shall be discussing here our aims and objectives about the study of “Locating a police headquarter along the coastline of Karachi having a population of 0.5 million scattered over in five towns” in points to give a clear understanding about the project.
- The first main objective of this report is to figure out that why the location planning plays a vital role in the establishment of the police headquarter and also to know the overall consequences which could come across when developing the whole plan.
- Understanding and identifying the key methods for locating a facility.
- SWOT analysis is considerable when talking about the external threats or opportunities which can be occurred from the environment, society and customers.
- Develop a model of locations that can be examined to place a facility.
- However, first we have to locate a specific area to establish a police headquarter through location strategy learned in our course of operation management.
- The decision is based on the cost and benefit analysis. The profit here is in terms of decrease in the crime rate.
- Reducing interruptions in operations of workers and customers and utilizing the space available effectively.
- The location of the headquarters and police stations will promote and ensure public safety through safer neighborhoods teams. Each brand of police headquarter will be located at the most feasible place where we can reach at any crime location within shortest possible required time.
Chapter II
Importance of location planning
The location planning techniques enables various corporations to choose from expanding an existing location, shutting down one location and moving to another, adding new locations while retaining existing facilities. There are variety of methods used to decide the best location or alternatives for the corporation.
The factors which influence location positioning are the following:
- Location to raw materials: This basically means to position your location as such that you can get easy access to your raw materials. This should also include reduced travelling distance and lower shipping costs for your corporation.
- Location to markets: The corporations should be ensured regarding the markets which are near to them so that they can apply their competitive strategies within the market which enables them to reduce travelling costs and maximize the overall profits. The corporations can also analyze the required information through geographic information system, A tool which enable you to collect, store, retrieve and display demographic data on maps.
- Climate: The corporations face tough challenges when climate conditions are against them, bad climate conditions could disrupt the overall operations carried out by the management itself.
- Culture: The corporations should extract the required amount of knowledge regarding the region where they are relocating themselves. The company should understand the norms and their culture so that they could carry out their activities more smoothly, sometimes the companies tends to localize their strategies according to the tastes and preference of that specified region.
Evaluating location alternatives:
- Location Cost-Volume-Benefit Analysis: The CVP analysis can be basically represented either mathematically or graphically. It actually plot the total cost lines and those lines determine which alternatives have the highest and lowest total costs for expected levels of output. The lowered total cost location is being selected as a best optimal location for the productivity.
- Factor Rating: This method involves qualitative and quantitative inputs, and evaluates alternatives based on comparison after establishing a composite value for each alternative. The alternative with the highest score is considered the best option.
- Center of Gravity: This technique is used in determining the location of a facility which will either reduce travel time or lower shipping costs. The Center of Gravity Method involves the use of a visual map and a coordinate system; the coordinate points being treated as the set of numerical values when calculating averages.
Chapter III
Factors affecting location decisions