Factors Affecting Consumer Purchasing Decision Towards Smartphones Among Undergraduates in Colleges Within Subang Jaya
By: ektasingh05 • November 20, 2016 • Dissertation • 2,500 Words (10 Pages) • 1,786 Views
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Factors affecting consumer purchasing decision towards smartphones among undergraduates in colleges within Subang Jaya
Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Research Background
1.2 Problem Statement
1.3 Research Objectives
1.4 Research Questions
1.5 Significance of the study
1.6 Research Framework
1.7 Chapter Layout
1.8 Conclusion
2.0 Literature Review
2.1 Purchase Intention
2.2 Product Feature
2.3 Brand Image
2.4 Price
2.5 Social Factors
2.6 Relative Advantage
2.7 Conclusion
3.0 Introduction
3.1 Research Design
3.2 Data Collection
3.2.1 Primary Data
3.2.2 Secondary Data
3.2.3 Consideration of data collection methods
3.3 Sampling Design
3.3.1 Target Population
3.3.2 Sampling frame and Sampling location
3.3.3 Sampling Method Probability Sampling Non-Probability Sampling Consideration of Sampling Technique
3.3.4 Sample Size
3.4 Research Instrument
3.4.1 Questionnaire Design Consideration for Questionnaire Type
3.4.2 Constructs Measurement Interval Scale Nominal Scale Ordinal Scale Consideration of construct measurement
3.5 Data Analysis
3.6 Conclusion
4.0 References
The research conducted is to explore the factors affecting purchase intention of smartphone among undergraduates in colleges within Subang Jaya. This study will begin with the research background, problem statement, objective of the research, research questions, significance of the study, chapter layout, and conclusion of the chapter.
1.1 Research Background
According to The Sun Daily report, smartphone penetration in Malaysia has increased in the year 2012 from 47 percent to 63 percent (Afrizal, 2013). Therefore, the trend of the society in purchasing mobile phone has slowly moving towards smartphone.
Hence, it is essential to know what factors are actually affecting purchase intention of smartphone among the undergraduates in colleges within Subang Jaya.
1.2 Problem Statement
Although most of the smartphone users in Malaysia are young consumers, but the motivation to adopt the smartphone among young adults in Malaysia toward smartphone is very low, which means that not all young adults would like to purchase a smartphone or change from basic phone to smartphone. In this ‘technology savvy’ era, it is very difficult to study, analyse and interpret consumer purchase intention. . Therefore, this research serves as a bridge linking the two main variables, undergraduates purchase behaviour and purchase intention towards smartphone brand.
1.3 Research Objectives
Drawn from the issues, the purpose of this study is to better understand the current dynamics of the Malaysian demand market for smartphone and the consumer purchasing decision.
Specifically, the purpose of this study can be listed as below:
- To investigate the role of product features on purchase intention of smartphone among undergraduates.
- To understand the impact of different brand image on purchase intention of smartphone among undergraduates.
- To examine the level of influence of price on purchase intention of smartphone among undergraduates.
- To understand how social influences can affect purchase intention of smartphone among undergraduates.
- To determine how relative advantage can affect purchase intention of smartphone among undergraduates.
1.4 Research Questions
- Does the product feature affect undergraduate’s purchase intention towards purchasing a smartphone?
- Does brand image play a significant role in undergraduate’s purchase intention towards smartphones?
- Does pricing influence the purchase intention of undergraduate’s consumer towards smartphone?
- How does social influence affect undergraduate’s consumer purchase intention towards smartphone?
- How does relative advantage affect undergraduate’s consumer purchase intention towards smartphone?
1.5 Significance of the study
This study can serve as a reference for undergraduates during their purchase process of smartphone. Besides, this research helps undergraduates understand the emerging trend of smartphone brand. It can improve the movement of motivation to adopt the smartphone among undergraduates in Malaysia toward smartphone.
1.6 Research Framework
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Adapted from: (Chen, et al., 2012) (Lay-Yee, et al., 2013) ( QUN, et al., 2012)
1.7 Chapter Layout
This research is divided into five chapters where each chapter focuses on different area.
Chapter 1 is the general view of the study content which contains the research background and problem statement. Besides, it also involves the research objective which mentions the purpose of this research, followed by the research question, significance of study, chapter layout and conclusion of the chapter.