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Eating Habit of Students

By:   •  November 18, 2016  •  Research Paper  •  3,289 Words (14 Pages)  •  3,099 Views

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Eating habit is one of the most common part of our daily life. In many studies have showned that has a connection between emotional component and eating habits. It is true because everyone has their own habits, and for many people, changing eating habits is very difficult. Actually, all of us have formed our own distinctive of eating habit since we were young. In particular, eating habits of students are formed from many influences, from their  friends, social media, to their own purposes, such as to lose weight. Unfortunately, students only see the visible side of the iceberg, but not what lies below. Based on data collecting questionnaires data from Sunderland program students to get more information about eating habits of Sunderland students. Besides that, the aim of this research is to improve more students’s knowledge about the important of eating healthy breakfast, this impact positively on young people’daily life. Finally, it is hoped that this report will actually come in handy to anyone who reads it and consider it as a useful reference to assist a research paper later.  


Title page……………………………………………………………………………………....i


List of figures………………………………………………………………………………...iv

1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………………..1

2. Methods…………………………………………………………………………………….1

3. Results………………………………………………………………………………….......2

4. Discussion of finding………………………………………………………………………4

        4.1. . What do ITP students think about breakfast…………………………………….4

        4.2. Student’s eating habit……………………………………………………………..5

                4.2.1 Where students have breakfast…………………………………………..5

                4.2.2. Cost of selection food students pay for breakfast………………………5

5. Recommendation…………………………………………………………………………..6

6. Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………….7




Figure 1: The percentage of where students often eat………………………………………..2

Figure 2: The percentage of how much students spend on eating……………………………3

Figure 3: The percentage of what students usually eat……………………………………….4

1. Introduction

        Food is an integral part of daily life. Each person in different age or cultural has their own favorite food for choosing as well as their eating habits. College students like eating snacks such as chips, coffee, ice cream, yogurt,...which can be really healthy if they do not eat too much. Moreover, they only eat high-calories food instead of fruits and vegetables. Unfortunately, all of student's habits do not good for health, it can lead to many serious diseases, for example: obesity, cancer, gastritis...Hence, it is essential that a research be explored what impact of college students's eating habits. I would like to know more about the influences of this so this issue will be demonstrated in my research.

Some research has shown that the most important factors predicting food selection among adults are: taste, cost, nutrition, convenience, pleasure, and weight control, in this order (Glanz, Basil, Maibach, Goldberg, & Snyder 1998). In 2011, El Ansari, Stock and Mikolajczyk reported the frequency of fast food intake was about “at least several times per week”. According to Thorpe (2014), college student use the standard of two of more takeaway meals as a main meal per week. What is more, Racette (2005) believed that there are a different food choice between male and female. World Health Organization (WHO) and United Kingdom (UK) suggested a minimum consumption of five portions of fruit and vegetables each day. From 2.2 to 3.8 portions per day is the average daily consumption of university students (Cooke and Papadaki, 2014). Keller, Maddock, Hannover, Thyrian and Basler (2008) stated that the prevalence of college students meeting current fruits and vegetables consumption guidelines is low, ranging from 3.27% to 34.7%. With the poor diet quality of many students had been surveyed, it is significant to explore food-related lifestyle factors such as student's attitudes, food cost, ways of shopping and many other food-related behaviors. Nevertheless, few of these research truly focus on the effect of eating habits among college students, just in general.

Bearing this in mind, this research paper which is based on data from students of Sunderland Program, Banking Academy of Viet Nam will focus on three main questions. Firstly, what do they often eat for breakfast/lunch? Secondly, how much money do they spend on foods? And last but not least, where do they usually eat?        

2. Method

This research paper is based on primary source of data obtained by conducting questionnaires and interviews. In the first place, 50 F09 students were randomly selected to fill in questionnaires. All the questions were divided into 2 main groups. Firstly, the questionnaires included 2 questions to have some personal informations. Secondly, 1 question was set up to investigate they are eating out or eating at home for meals. And last but not least, there were 2 questions were designed in order to explore the cost of spending on eating and what foods they like to eat in the daily meals.


This section outlines the results of the survey conducted to discover ITP students's eating habits. Of the 50 ITP students who were questioned, 83% of respondents reported that they live with their family, 11% live alone, about 4% live with other students or friends and 2% said that they live in the university campus. [pic 1]

Figure 1: The percentage of where students often eat

With a view to determining student's eating habits, three main meals of daily were questioned in the questionnaires. As can be seen from Figure 1, a large proportion of students ( 87%) have dinner at home, it's about 77% at lunch and just 28% have breakfast before go out. On the other hand, 72% of students stated that they eat out to have an breakfast instead of at home, just a small amount of them (23% for lunch, 13% for dinner) eat out.  


[pic 2][pic 3][pic 4]

                Figure 2: The percentage of how much students spend on eating

With regard to cost spending, an enormous percentage of students (84%) spend from 10000 to 20000 VND for their breakfast while the majority of students (70%) use about 30000-50000 VND for lunch. For dinner, only 32% claimed that they spend more than 50000 VND on eating.

[pic 5]

Figure 3: The percentage of what students usually eat

Finally, students are given some options to what they often eat in three meals, 62% of people replied that they usually have noodle for their breakfast while only 11% choose rice. Otherwise, nearly the same proportion ( 65%) stated that they eat rice for lunch, and only 3% vote for fast food. For dinner, no one decide on eating bread, the vast majority of students choose rice (90%) and noodle (10%) instead.


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