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Body Shame Do Not Discriminate

By:   •  March 17, 2019  •  Essay  •  884 Words (4 Pages)  •  908 Views

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Body Shame Do Not Discriminate

Body shaming is the action or practice of humiliating someone by making mocking or critical comments about their body shape or size and anyone can be a victim of it. The internet has given people the ability to connect with others all around the world, but yet people seem to find ways to hurt someone’s feelings using this tool. Internet makes it easier for people to get body shamed without them noticing. Once something has been said in the internet is going to stay there forever and even if that post is deleted it takes just one person who has preserved the information offline to reposted and the cycle is going to start all over again. Internet allows people to socially body shame others and is starting to affect people’s ability to get proper jobs.

First, one is always going to find two types of people on the internet, one that is going to comment positive things and the other with harmful comments. Some people comment without the intention of being mean but most of the time that is the plan. Also, people post comment online that they will never say to someone in person, mostly because they see this as a way to become popular. Shawn Radcliffe in his article Too ‘Thin?’ Too ‘Heavy?’ You Might Get Trolled states, ““Headlines on tabloids in the checkout line of grocery stores regularly target celebrity weight loss or the appearance of cellulite. This behavior has become so normalized that most people probably don’t think of it as trolling anymore,” psychology professor Renee Engeln, Ph.D., author of the forthcoming book “Beauty Sick: How the Cultural Obsession with Appearance Hurts Girls and Women,” told Healthline”. This is an example that shows that since body shaming is something that has been happening for a while people are starting to see it as something natural and usual, is in that moment that we know that there is something wrong with society. People keep saying that bulling is wrong but when they see the comments they laugh showing that even though is wrong is funny.

Second, body shaming and other forms of online abuse are destroying lives emotionally, physically and financially. This can lead to low self-stem and then can cause health problems to those who are being shamed. When someone’s mental strength is not as tough as it should be, any action or comment can disrupt that person in ways that are not able to be predicted. Corinne Heller on her article: Kesha Talks About Being Body Shamed and Says the Internet Contributed to Her Eating Disorder states, “It became a vicious cycle: When I compared myself to others, I would read more mean comments, which only fed my anxiety and depression, seeing paparazzi photos of myself and the accompanying catty commentary fueled my eating disorder. (Kesha)”. This is an exact example of the consequences that the internet and mean comments bring into the table, this girl got into an eating disorder just because people bullied her through the internet. It is really sad that people do not care about others and keep doing the same over and over.

In another hand, because of the internet and body shaming, some business hire people based on their looks. They think that if they hire someone that is not attractive their business image and profitability can be affected. Rhode says, “In a survey by the national associations advance fat acceptance,


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