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Transport Corridors of Uzbekistan and Prospect of Its Development

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Chairman of "International Economy"

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Transport Corridors of Uzbekistan and prospect of its development

Prepared by:4th year student

of "International Economy" Department

Sabirov Bekzod Rakhimberdievich


Table of Content

1. Introduction

2. Scientific concept of transport corridors and their role in development of economic resources

2.1 The international transport logistics services

2.2 The position of Uzbekistan in the economy of Central Asia

2.3 Forms of the international transport operations and agreements

3. The economic analysis of the transport infrastructure of Uzbekistan

3.1 Central Asia regional economic cooperation road project

3.2 Development tendencies of the logistic services in the Republic of Uzbekistan

3.2.1 Analysis of the transport sector in the economy of Uzbekistan

3.2.2 Analysis of the development and prospect of Navoi Airport logistics hub in Central Asia

3.3 Transport infrastructure of Uzbekistan

4. The development strategy of transport services in Uzbekistan

4.1 The proposed projects evolved by ADB for Uzbekistan

4.2 Information and communication technology (ICT) developments for supporting logistics

4.3 New perspectives in logistics, specialized terminals, promising corridors, insurance

5. Conclusions and suggestions

6. List of References

7. Appendix


Currency of the topic.

Transportation is an important part of the world economy as it is the carrier of goods between states. Specialization of states and their integrated development are impossible without the transport system . Transport factor influences on the location of manufacturing, without taking it into account we can't reach rational distribution of productive forces. When allocating production the need to transport the mass of raw materials of finished products, their portability, security of transport routes, their capacity is taken into account. Depending on the impact of these components the companies may be placed. Transport is also important in solving of socio-economic problems. Provision of the territory of a well-developed transportation system serves as an important factor in attracting people and industry, it is an important advantage for the distribution of productive forces and allows the integration effect.

Specificity of transport as a sector of the economy lies in the fact that he himself does not manufacture products, but only participates in its creation, ensuring the production of raw materials, equipments and delivering finished products to the consumer. Transportation costs are included in the cost of production. For some industries transport costs are very significant, such as in forestry, petroleum industries, where they can reach 30% of production costs.

Nowadays, much attention to the involvement of direct foreign investment is being paid in Uzbekistan. It is stipulated that, on the base of concluded contracts and agreements with international financial institutions and investment companies, more than US$3 bln will be invested to the real sector of our economy in 2011, over US$2.2 and more than 73% of which is direct foreign investment. Over 70 investment projects in many spheres of our economy are intended to realize on the account of FDI .

The goal of the Research. The main goal of the research is to analyze transport logistics as the key factor in increasing the potential of Uzbekistan, due to the reason that Uzbekistan is double-locked country. Learn and analyze the uses of Transport corridors and Logistic centers for the efficient allocation of manufacturing industry of Uzbekistan.

Objectives of the Research:

To overview of general economics and policies in the transport services;

To learn fundamental economics of logistic services;

To analyze business environment of Uzbekistan in transport sector;

Overview of Uzbekistan transport market;

To analyze transportation figures of Uzbekistan;

To analyze demand of logistic hub in Uzbekistan;

To transport infrastructure of Uzbekistan;

To learn about logistic technologies for digitized economy ;

To learn and analyze freight-forwarding and warehousing transport market;

Research methods. I'm using comparative, economic analysis, analysis of statistic data and other research methods.

Structure. On the first chapter it is presented the theoretical part and it consists of three basic subtopics: Scientific concept of transport corridors and the role of Uzbekistan in Central Asia as the main transport logistics hub . The second chapter presents the measuring and analyzing the transport infrastructure of Uzbekistan and is into four subchapters: Uzbekistan's transport market overview; Central Asia regional economic cooperation road project; analysis of the development and prospect of Navoi airport logistics hub in Central Asia; transport infrastructure of Uzbekistan. In the third chapter I present development strategy of transport services in Uzbekistan, in which included three subchapters: proposed projects accommodated by ADB ; ffreight forwarding and warehousing, its products and characteristics; new perspectives in logistics, specialized terminals, promising corridors, insurance.

The diploma work is completed with conclusion, where brief summary and recommendations are given.

2 Scientific concept of transport corridors and their role in development of economic resources

2.1 The international transport logistics services

Logistics and Transportation

According to the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP), logistics management can be defined as "that part of supply chain management that plans, implements, and controls the efficient, effective forward and reverse flow and storage of goods, services, and related information between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet customers' requirements."

The history of logistics is rooted in its military application. Since WWII it has developed into an important function of business as it became evident that logistics and transportation add place and time value to products and enhance the form and possession value added by manufacturing and marketing.

The concept of logistics as a business discipline began to appear in the business-related literature in the 1960s when it was called physical distribution. At that time its focus was on the outbound side of the logistics system. With the emerging importance of Supply Chain Management, logistics and transportation has become even more crucial as supply chain managers realize that the coordination and integration of the logistics systems of all organizations with the supply chain are requirements for success.



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