Times Record of Timor
By: kiszy • November 5, 2014 • Essay • 1,134 Words (5 Pages) • 2,663 Views
Times Recorder is a widely circulated weekly magazine founded in 1900 by Mr. Sebastiano Echavez and has been noted as a strong advocate of the freedom of the press in Timor. After the death of Mr. Echavez, Mr. Enrico Martinez assumed the presidency and editorship of the magazine. A certification election, duly supervised by the Ministry of Labor Relations, was held on the premises of the Times Recorder of Timor. The purpose: To determine the will of the employees as to which of the two unions- the Times Recorder of Timor Labor Union headed by Rami Carvalho and the Times Recorder of Timor Employees Association headed by Eduardo Falcao- will represent Tmes of Timor employees in collective bargaining with management.
The will of employees whether what union will represent the Times of Timor employees in collective bargaining with management.
We, as the consultants.
1. The Times Recorder of Timor must meet its cost of production.
2. Timorese magazine must increase its circulation from 8000 to 15000 within 3 months period.
3. Solve the conflicts between union of TRT.
1. To keep the Times Recorder in business, that is, a profitable business proposition.
2. Making Times Recorder of Timor the number one widely circulated weekly magazine.
• "I believe in unionism. With a union, I would not have to ask every time the board of directors meets whether we have made enough money to enable us to give the employees another bonus. I believe that the present management has been giving the Times Recorder employees in the way of benefits as much if not more than other companies with the comparative volume of business."
• Another union has been formed, called Times Recorder of Timor Employees Association led by Eduardo Falcao and Leonardo Conceisao claiming majority membership of TR employees. The union, having complied with all the requirements of the law in its application for registration with the Ministry of Labor, is under the law, a de facto union.
• When there was no union, your board increased the Times Recorder contribution to the Provident and Retirement Fund for Employment from 50% of wages and salaries under Mr. Echavez to 10%. This management increase the bonus to 3-month, 4-month, 5-month and even 6 at one time- depending on the earnings of the corporation without being told of forced to do so.
1. The 2 existing union (TRT Labor Union and TRT Employees Association) join together.
SWOT Analysis
Internal Strength
Greater strength in numbers
Time motion
Money that will be spend
External Opportunity
Increase buyer
Negative allegations
Advantage and Disadvantages
The advantage of joining the two unions is that there is frequently greater strength in numbers. In other words, a company will normally pay more attention to a group of employees (whether in a union or not) than it will to an individual employee. On the other hand, the disadvantage of it will cost money, and spend time and effort for implementation and execution.
Conversion of Weaknesses to Strength
In the business context, expecting for a higher revenue or income needs a higher investment and shall extend extra effort. Therefore, the Time motion and the money that will be spent are worth of spending as long as the company can afford to do so. Moreover, it plays a decisive role in the process in achieving its goal.
Conversion of Threat to Opportunity
Negative allegations are always negative. Hence, transforming it into positive a approach will help the company to prove more and extra effort to trans mode the situation.
2. Form another union.
SWOT Analysis
Internal Strength
Greater strength in numbers
Time motion
Money that will be spend
External Opportunity
Increase Buyers
Negative allegations
Advantage and Disadvantages
The advantage of forming another union there will be new management and leadership in the union. Therefore, employees can have a new working environment and they will get higher wages and better benefits packages. On the other hand, the disadvantage of it will cost money, and spend time and effort for implementation and execution.
Conversion of Weaknesses to Strength
In business context, creating or forming a new union you should exert effort especially on time and financial aspects.