Thought Paper 2
By: narcrom • October 26, 2015 • Essay • 865 Words (4 Pages) • 1,294 Views
I believe I have a reasonable and positive view of myself and my personality. For the most part I appreciate myself and the things given to me and try not to take anything for granted. Most of the time I think and choose for myself while occasionally I will let others decide things for me. Generally I think well of myself and I think I am a respectable and tolerable human being compared to some of the people I have met in life. I feel like I have a great sense of control over my life and I’m generally able to do what I want and have a personal power. While I’m not totally happy with myself and my qualities, I am almost always open to change and accepting new ideas.
The quality that I find the most appealing has to be self-awareness. I believe this quality is more important than the others which include freedom, basic honesty, caring, trust and autonomy. I value self-awareness over other qualities because it shows that one recognizes themselves as different from others and is able to distinguish themselves within their society. This is important because it lets that person evaluate and compare their current behavior to their internal standards and values. This is a quality that I would like to see cultivated in myself because I believe it would help me live up to my personal standards.
Based on the Rogers Indicator of Multiple Intelligences, I show strengths in bodily/kinesthetic and intrapersonal intelligences. The results also indicate that I use verbal, musical, logical, spatial, kinesthetic, and intrapersonal intelligence with comfort and ease. These results are not very surprising as I’ve already known and understood most of my strengths ahead of time. I believe that my two biggest strengths are verbal intelligence and musical intelligence, as I am adept at understanding spoken and written linguistics as well as musical rhythms and patterns. For the most part I agree with the results of this intelligence test.
One incident I recall quite vividly in my childhood is the time I when I got myself lost at Knott’s Berry Farm. I remember being in a state of complete and utter anxiety, like I would never see my family ever again. I thought that for some reason I had been abandoned and that no one cared about me anymore. As time passed, I began to feel hopelessness and despair and started crying relentlessly. Soon later a group of college girls found me crying and agreed to help me find my family and even gave me candy. After I had found my family, I remember being really upset with them for the rest of the day.
My memory of my family is quite a normal one. My dad was an easygoing businessman who often took care of his two kids. My mother was a businesswoman who was often busy with work and usually traveled out of the country for work. My sister was just about 3 years older than I was, probably just entering grade school at the time.
As a kid I almost always felt sheltered