The Use of Animals for Research
By: Alec Ayuso • March 5, 2019 • Essay • 467 Words (2 Pages) • 938 Views
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Alec Ayuso
Centro Escolar México Junior College
Ms. Nancy Leiva
September 18.2018
The use of Animals for Research
On these day the researchers use many kind of animals for their research. There are some countries that is illegal to do animal testing and some are only allowed to use animal that aren’t socialize with people. On some of their research are failed and that mean that the poor animal was wasted for nothing. Animal’s right are violated when they are use in research because they aren’t given a choice for their live. On our opinion the research on animal should stop because they have love one just as us the humans.
We think that animal should have their liberty just as we humans. The animal are in these world for a reason just as we. It’s not fair for those poor creature to be wasted like they weren’t value anything. We need to show animal a type of affection from human, or their while be a high possibility the animal might not survive. We as human with education we should know better and make the animal testing stop, by making that happen we should proof them that there are other ways to do their research, because those creatures are here for a reason.
Animal testing kills a lot of animals and make the world with less. Every year millions of animal are being killed such as frogs, rats, dogs and many other kind of animals. The researcher don’t see if the animal has lives their live or what but they research on any animal that can make their research on success or failure. Researchers should be required to follow a set of principles if they are eagerly needed on doing an animal research.
Most of the times the test is not accurately successfully done. Most of the times the experiment is failed, because everybody in this world are totally different, and animals body are different to human’s body. The experiment on animal can be cruel, dangerous or exotic. Animal testing is usually unethical of doing bad and don’t think about doing what is right.