The Methodological Technique Used
By: hvhhfyg • December 29, 2017 • Term Paper • 918 Words (4 Pages) • 1,132 Views
Research Methodology
The methodological technique used in this study was content analysis. Content analysis “is a detailed and systemic examination of the contents of a particular body of material for the purpose of identifying patterns, themes or biases”.
For the content analysis, secondary data was utilized through existing literature, which included academic articles and non-academic articles that were written on Starbucks’ customer satisfaction on loyalty
ProQuest was used to collect data from academic articles and the Google search tool was used to collect data from non-academic articles. For both sources, data collection started by searching for Starbucks’s customer satisfaction as the keyword and only searched for articles published between the years of 2000 all the way to 2016.
The articles that were chosen came from various business and hospitality journals. The keywords used for ProQuest were Starbucks customer achievement, what do customers look for when it comes to brand loyalty for Starbucks and factors. In reading the articles, the researcher picked articles based on the use of Starbucks factors, examples of brand client loyalty for Starbucks and how the keywords were mentioned at least two to three times per article. These articles were chosen primarily because they explained what was in relation to Starbucks, the factors and how to promote customer satisfaction on loyalty for Starbucks. The other articles were excluded due to the fact that the material was not relevant to this particular study. Additionally, these articles were not used because there was no mention of Starbucks
In searching for nonacademic articles on Google, Google search resulted in more than 1,000,000 results. The search results included website articles which were affiliated with Starbucks and additional articles posted by Starbucks. Since it was impossible for the author to review all of the results from Google, this study only looked at articles related to Starbucks’ customer satisfaction on loyalty and selected the articles published in the first 5 pages, along with having been written after the year 2000. The other articles that were not mentioned were too old. Consequently, this study included 10 academic articles and 19 non-academic articles for data analysis. After determining the final list of articles for this study, content analysis was used to determine the influential factors that affected Starbucks’ customer loyalty.
- The reason of choosing questionnaire
The researchers’ own conclusions won't impact those respondents should reply inquiries to a sure way through the questionnaire that is portrayed eventually Tom's perusing uniform address presentation also no middle-man inclination. However, it’s impossible to achieve the goal of no-bias by some other research ways, like focus group discussion and interview, cause the verbal or visual clues expressed by the researchers would affect and guide the attitude of respondents more or less.
- The selection of respondents
What’s more, according to the company anural sale report, a big proportion of profit is derived from the youths, because they belong to the most important target group, also will generate a strong consumer group for Starbucks in the future. It became natural to use students for the survey since they are nearby, representatives of selective pioneers, and thus is important to Starbucks. We also believe that use a more critical and apply an academic way of thinking. In order to ensure the quality of answer given by the respondents. The entry hall and library are two main places to implement our investigation.
- How to value a data
After collecting the data from the questionnaire, the next step is to calculate and do statistics by a systemic method.
The questions presenting on the questionnaire were sorted into two main categories, they are brand awareness and brand image. The assessment was through the calculation in term of how many people choose respective options, what the respondents’ perspective are mainly, and based on the statistics whether the attitude toward Starbucks’ entry into Vietnam is positive or negative.