The Failure of a Company
By: minhnguyen992410 • July 23, 2019 • Case Study • 521 Words (3 Pages) • 2,483 Views
Student name: Nguyen Ngoc Minh
Student number: s3697113
Teacher’s name: Phan Minh Hoa
Class code: ECON 1192
Question 1:
- I choose Malta in this case. HDI ranking of Malta was 29 and GNI was ranked 32 in the year
ii The life expectancy at birth of Malta increased from 76 to 81 ,and the expected years of schooling went up 3 from 12.9 to 15.9 over 27 years from 1990 to 2017. Furthermore, the GNI per capita in 2017 was twice higher than that in 1990: with 17,26 and 34,396 in 1990 and 2017, respectively. The HDI value rose from 0.74 to 0.878 through 27 years. All the indicators show that the living condition in Malta are improving gradually, it can be seen through the HDI value
The evaluation in HDI ranking and GNI implying the development in life expectancy, education, and GNI per capita indicators. GNI and HDI impact the other together. Malta is a peaceful country (TimesofMalta), so it do not affect by war which can lead to the decrease in HDI and GNI. Thus, the HDI and GNI indicators reflect the peace as well as instability of a country.
Question 2:
- Compare all the indicators between Finland and Malta, It can be seen clearly that all the value of Finland is higher than that of Malta, but the gap between two countries in some indicators is quite low. HDI value of two countries is nearly the same: 0.92 of Finland and 0.878 of Malta. The Finland’s life expectancy at birth is 81.5 which is equal to Malta’s life expectancy at birth : 81.While there are several different in the remain indicators including: means years of schooling, expected years of schooling and GNI. The expected years of schooling in Malta is 15.9 which is lower more than 1.7 compared to that in Finland. In case of mean years of schooling, the gap between the indicators of two countries is 1.1 with 12.4 (Finland) and 11.3 (Malta).
- There is a relationship between GDP and well-being; however, GDP does not reflect the happiness of a country. According to Worldometers, it represents the total monetary value of all final goods and services produced. It demonstrates efficiency in product manufacturing, and consumption levels. On the contrary, happiness is expressed through medical care, health, level of emissions as well as social welfare.
GDP growth helps the economy of a country go up, has spearhead industries that help the country's economy grow, and maybe those industries never bring happiness to the people of the country. Sometimes money does not bring spiritual happiness.