Roles of a Manager
By: ayma • February 22, 2019 • Essay • 1,755 Words (8 Pages) • 920 Views
Mintzberg believes that there are ten roles of manager that can be put into three areas: interpersonal, informational and decisional. Interpersonal role covers the relationships the manager needs to have with their co-workers. Managers have to collect, transmit information and disseminate and have three corresponding informational roles. Mintzberg thinks the most crucial detail of managerial activity is concerned with decision making. Because entrepreneur and managers make choices about changing what is going on in an organisation. Managers are not just worried in managing only the internal funds of the organisation, but must also spend a lot of time in keeping contacts with the stakeholders, both within and outside the organisation. This is mainly because then you can update them of any adjustments in the environment which then may affect the organisation, there is an exercise known as 'boundary scanning'. Managers in business must be attentive of what their competition is doing, of trends in customer demand, and of any development in the economic environment.
5 main elements of management PLAN Planning is a necessary part of the business. It will dictate what the organisational goals is and how they aim to achieve these. A strategy will shape exactly how to manage a decision and what staff will be required to ensure that this can be tackled and to make sure its completed effectively. ORGANISE each levels of management will also be in charge for the organising a different duty and employees. They are going to be in charge for organising the members workloads and also, they are going to be in charge of the resources they need in order for them to manage their position very well. MOTIVATE At work, sometimes workers may become bored and uninterested and as a manager it is your job to motivate these people to work harder. Lack of interest can come from many different problems however the knock-on consequence of this is major and these problems need to be solved as fast as possible before it grows and the work decreases. The management need to make sure that they have the employees on their side and they appreciate their jobs to constantly deliver a high productivity and quality pieces of work. COORDINATE Management will also be in charge for the harmonization of the day to day jobs of the organisation. This will involve tasks such as work rotations, workloads and other tasks. They are also going to coordinate on how they request for the objectives set to be worked towards and how are going to be achieved.
CONTROL this is a massive part of a manager’s position as they need to make sure that they keep on trail and guarantee that they stay on top of all the different types of matters. If a problem is to rise, generally the manager would be the individual to try and handle this. Also, they are in charge for guaranteeing that the staff is working to their greatest of their abilities and coming for work every working day but at the same time listening to their thoughts and their opinions and taking these on board.
The managers of JOC will have to be responsible for all the activities to ensure they do meet the organisations targets and objectives effectively. These activities are all equally as vital as the other and at some point, if not every single day, they will have to adjust to these skills to perform to the very best standards. In the case study Suzy was the manager and she would meet Leon every Monday to talk about potential development, this allowed her to be involved in making chocolate and at the same time away from the business to go see customers and to see if they were happy and their needs was satisfied. Hafiz and Suzy used to meet on Mondays too to talk about the production programme, following which he would meet with team leaders to discuss and assign tasks and talk about any potential issues. He ensured all the employees under took a job development and employee review every four months. In this way hafiz felt it was embowering the team. Part of this was to make sure job rotation to let the staff build their knowledge and their skills as well, this helped them contribute as a team member.
In plan to measure managerial performance productively, system could be used, a managerial review system. This is a way to analyse managerial performance by using methods such as communication, leadership and change, to measure effectiveness. The review system is developed to be interactive and to support communication methods between the management and it will involve actions such as performance management and appraisals. Performance management is related to make sure the objective of the organisation is being consistently met. It does not only concentrate on the management performance but also it can be used to examine individual’s workers as well as the entire organisation. Performance management aids the organisation as it guarantees the effective distribution of the company’s goals. Meeting the Organisational targets will then eventually lead to more benefits such as greater profits, motivated staff, and improved control. An appraisal is a system used to judge workers performance and efficiency, these are also known as performance reviews. Appraisals gives the company an opportunity to sit down with the employee on a one on one basis, evaluate their productivity, and give them feedback on what they doing great and on where they could be improve and also they can plan for future. Appraisals will give a clear indication of how well the employee is doing and what needs to be developed further. Joy of chocolate should adapt to these methods to make sure the staff are working successfully towards the strategic, operational and tactical targets of the company and that the management are performing to the greatest of their abilities to make sure business growth and success.
Q)3 McGREGOR, THEORY X & Y Douglas McGregor was social psychologist from the United States who suggested the X&Y theory back in 1960. The theory implies there are two methods to managing people: X & Y.
THEORY X This theory indicates that people don’t like working and they will try to avoid it if they can. after this it says that workers require to be threatened with punishment to influence the staff to work towards their objectives. It is thought that managers have a habit to power in the way of Theory X will produce poor results. THEORY Y theory Y indicates that staff tend to want to be heavily involved in their roles, they are content to work, and they find their jobs worthwhile. Managers who choose to use Theory Y will easily benefit from improved performance and outcomes which will allow the staff to grow and progress. JOC management now work towards Theory Y and so far, it appears to be effective. The employees are reliable and hardworking and heavily involved and loyal to the business and wish for the company to flourish. This demonstrates that the Theory Y method does work, and the company does profit from high levels of performance and it’s that dedication and commitment of their employees which has permitted them to consider expansion. Q)4