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Personality Traits Having a Greater Impact on Job Performance Rather Than Cgpa

By:   •  August 15, 2017  •  Research Paper  •  5,126 Words (21 Pages)  •  1,585 Views

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        Personality Traits Having a Greater Impact on Job Performance Rather Than CGPA

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PREPARED BY:                                                                                             PREPARED FOR:

Farzana Fozol.                                                                                     Dr. Deena P. Forkan (DF).

ID- 131 0519 630.                                                                                                Course- ENG105.

Date- 17.08.16.                                                                                                              Section- 16.


I feel honored that I received the guidance and assistance of many helpful people on the preparation of this Research Paper. First of all, I would like to thank Almighty God for giving me the patience, energy, comprehension and courage to finish this huge task within its deadline. I am especially grateful to my faculty Dr. Deena P. Forkan for guiding me through the art of research making, compilation and overall incentive that has driven me to come up with this research paper. I would like to thank all the students of North South University and the employees of Standard Bank and Islami Bank who filled out the questionnaires that were the basis of my primary data. I also thank my parents and my friends for providing me endless support and motivation in completing this research paper. The last but not least I have to thank, Larry Page and Sergey Brim the people behind one of the most useful inventions of mankind,, that has ultimately turned my work on this topic a lot easier.


         Getting a job is like everything in the current modern era. People face the real fight for their livelihood just after completing their education. Some jobs look for the employees who are extremely meritorious, some others look for the employees who have well-communication skills or highly extrovert and people oriented or in another word personality-focused, and some other jobs require both qualities equally depending on the job criteria. The main purpose of the report is to find out which one has the more weight for getting a job. It also helps to understand the perceptions of different managers during the time of hiring a new employee. Because managers everywhere face the challenge of understanding and managing individual differences. According to me, personality traits have a greater impact on the job sectors rather than CGPA. I found a tremendous amount of information available concerning this subject. Through my research I re-discovered my own convictions and reasons for supporting personality over the CGPA that I had somewhat forgotten as well as to make the general public and others understand why this is more important.  

Table of Content


Page No.

  1. Introduction


  1. Background


  1. Areas of Research


  1. Hypothesis


  1. Research Methodology


  1. Survey Findings


  1. Summary of Findings  


  1. Limitations


  1. Conclusion


  1.  References


  1.  Appendix



 Nowadays, everyone is striving for getting a good job. This is because, everywhere, people face the challenge of getting a good job after they are done with the studies. But getting a good job will be possible when they can perform very good academic achievements. This is how we are guided by our parents, relatives and teachers that, if we can get very good grades in our exams and have an excellent education background, only then can a good job can be found. But in the real world, this is not the case. Managers everywhere face the challenge of understanding and managing individual differences. Every person is unique, which is due to a combination of factors like physical, psychological and behavioral differences. So, managers mainly focus on the psychological and behavioral differences in order to match the applicant’s skills with the company’s required skills. Thus, all the facts say that a person requires a very good personality in order to find a good job and perform well.

When we talk of personality, we don’t mean a person has a charm, a positive attitude or a smiling face. Rather than looking at the physical appearance of a person, personality looks at aggregate whole rather than the sum of individual parts. According to Robbins and Judge (2001), “personality is defined as the sum total of ways in which an individual reacts to and interacts with others” (p.139). The personality traits of individuals will help manager to better understand and effectively manage the people who will work under them. Due to its importance, personality traits are also being carried out by the managers to predict that who will be a best fit for the job. So, all these facts show that personality traits have got a greater impact on job performance rather than CGPA, which is due to the following reasons:

  1. Personality creates the first impression
  2. CGPA measures ones knowledge whereas personality measures how someone uses this knowledge
  3. Use of the measures of personality traits  


Personality Creates the First Impression

As stated by Potter (1980), “at the core of the personnel selection process is interview” (p 16). Whenever a selection procedure is going on in an organization for a particular job, mainly the written exam and interview are considered as important. It is also proved by the survey that both interview and written exam was considered important, where 34 out of 45 respondents answered for both (See Table 1 in Survey Finding). But, no matter how good one performs in the written exam, he or she has to go through the interview. So, during the interview, the personality will be counted first. In the survey, it was asked for the reason for why they were selected. Here, (the maximum people) 21 out of 45 respondents said that they think, they were selected for their personality. The interviewers will not see whether one can answer all the questions he or she is asked. They will mainly see how well one can communicate with the interviewer. The body language will also be taken into account. For example, a top scorer in the written test sat for an interview. He was asked a simple question, to which anyone can answer, such as, what is your ambition in life. Obviously, everyone knows what he or she wants to be in his or her life. The person being very introvert and nervous in nature, he could not answer it properly. He was hesitating a lot as he was having communication problem with the interviewer. This is a particular characteristic of his personality. This specific personality of the person failed to create a very good impression to the interviewer. Thus, it reduces the chance of that person for getting the job.

Another example can be given about the performance of personality on job performance. In this case also, the person is a top scorer and sat for the interview. While answering the question, the person was very rude in nature. Though he could answer all the questions, but his way of talking and his gestures were not sociable enough. So, it totally reduces the chance in getting the job, because an organization would not appoint an ill-mannered person. According to Martin and Fellenz (2010), “personality is inferred on the basis of observable behavior. …It is seen as being visible in those aspects of behavior that appear to be more stable across different situations” (p.79). So, as the person could not behave properly in that situation, it proved his personality was not very impressive. Thus it shows that, even if the person is knowledgeable enough, it is not guaranteed that he or she will be selected for the job. Along with the knowledge, personality is also required and creates a greater impact on job performance.

CGPA Measures Ones Knowledge Whereas Personality Measures Its Application

        A person having a good CGPA means that he or she is very studious and has performed very well in the exams. So, while applying for a job, they will be given preference, such as in reputed organization, such as HSBC Bank, the minimum criteria for applying in that organization for internship is 3.5. Thus, students who have a very good CGPA can only apply for that job. However, this does not assure that the person having a good CGPA can perform very well in the job field.


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