Pain and the Emotions Behind It
By: AceofFace • February 10, 2016 • Essay • 626 Words (3 Pages) • 1,311 Views
would have been scared of physical pain or physical contact such as myself but I believe that
they would have gotten over it much faster than I did. For the third type of person who had
received the same injury as me I believe that these type of people would have taken long than I
did and possibly might let it affect their lives more than it ever should. Overall I believe that this
event changed my life but it is no were near as bad as some events others have had to go through.
I would say the two greatest agents of socialization that have the greatest affect on me our
race and class. Race because growing up white was pretty easy I have never struggled to obtain a
job, I have never dealt with violence dealt to me by police our by racist people, and ultimately I
have never been discriminated against because of the pigment of my skin. This affects me
because I have never had to deal with the same issues that many "colored" people are facing in
modern times. I know that this affects me in a positive way because I live in the United States
and all one has to do is turn on the TV. or go to a really bad area of Bakersfield or most cities in
the U.S. to find my statements true. A second agent that affects me in a positive way is being
middle class. Again same with the whole color concept. I have never been discriminated against
for being middle class and I find it very easy to obtain a job because I am in the middle class. I
know this affects me because I don't have to leave school to support my family and I don't fear
for my life because I can't afford to move out of a bad area in town.
Many others including my friends have had different social agents that have affected their