Ipil-Ipil (luecena Glauca) Leaves Extract, Banana Peel (musa Acaminata) and Baby Oil as an Alternative Shoe Polish
By: Trix Cabeza • April 24, 2018 • Research Paper • 1,917 Words (8 Pages) • 8,855 Views
Ipil-ipil (Luecena Glauca) Leaves Extract , Banana Peel (Musa
Acaminata) and Baby Oil as an Alternative Shoe Polish
An Investigatory Project to the Science Faculty of
Christ the King College City of San Fernando, La Union Inc.
Tristan C. Cabeza
Christian Jan I. Sayo
Renz Andy C. Itchon
Jhaymarc B. Ducusin
Genesis B. Laigo
Laica Joy A. Soho
Sandara Mae M. Macayan
Catherine Joanne D. Dalao
Hermione Soleil C. Fregillana
Sir Ernesto Flores Jr.
March 2017
Table of Contents
Contents Page
A. Background Study. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
B. Statement of the problem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
C. Hypothesis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
D. Significant of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
E. Scope of Study. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Review of the Related Literature
- Review of the Related Literature . . . . . . . . . . . 4
B. Definition of Terms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
A. Materials/Equipment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
B. Procedure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Results and Discussion
Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation. . . . . . . . . . . . 11
This study aims to test the feasibility of ipil-ipil
leaves, banana peel, and baby oil as an alternative shoe polish.
The researchers has seen the effect of commercial shoe polish
and would like to determine if ipil-ipil leaves, banana peel and
baby oil could be an alternative instead of using those shoe
polish. The researchers conducted this study in order for people
to be inform that ipil-ipil leaves, banana peel, and baby oil
can be used in other way like they can be an alternative shoe
polish that can really help people in soling their problems
about the risk of the commercial shoe polish. So with the study,
the lives of the people will be more convenient.
Using ipil-ipil leaves, mortar and pestle, banana peel,
baby oil and shoes the researchers has conducted the experiment.
In making ippil-ipil leaves, banana peel and a baby oil as an
alternative shoe polish first the materials will be gathered.
Then the collected ipil-ipil leaves are pounded using the mortar
and pestle. Then the ipil-ipil paste are out in a container.
Then separately apply the ipil-ipil paste in the shoe. After
testing the ipil-ipil paste separately scrub the banana peel in
the shoe. After scrubbing the banana peel separately apply the
baby oil in the shoe. The results show that ipil-ipil, banana
peel and baby oil are healthier than the commercial shoe polish
- Background Study
Ipil-ipil (leucena glauca) is abundant in the Philippines. People may consider it as an ordinary plant that grows everywhere. Ipil-ipil plant grows up to 2 to 6 meters high. The leaves are 8-16 and 5-8 centimeters long. The leaflets are 20-30 linear oblong and 7-12 centimeter in diameter,with many flower. The pods are thjn, flat strap-shaped,12-18 centimeter long and 1.4-2 centimeters wide each containing from 15-25 elliptic ,compressed,shiny,brown seeds which are used in making bags and also used as a substitute for coffee.
Banana leaves sometimes used for feedstock for cattle, goats, poultry, rabbits, fish and other several species, typically in small farms and regions where bananas are grown. There are some concerns over the impact of tannis contained in the peels on animals that consume them. Banana peels are also used to water purification to produce ethanol, cellulose, laccasse as fertilizer and in composting
Baby oil is a wonderful product formulated for baby’s sensitive skin. Baby oil is nothing but perfumed mineral oil. There is a lot of discussion and debate on the health benefits vs side of baby oil. One can make a completely rich history, going through many changes over the years. Baby oil is not just for babies it is actually very useful. It can be used before shaving to moisturize the skin, make hair smooth. Beside personal application, one can also use for many things around the house. The researchers came up with this study to know if ipil-ipil, banana peel and baby oil are effective shoe polish.
B. Statement of the problem
This study is conducted to find out the effectiveness of ipil-ipil, banana peel and baby oil as substitute for shoe polish
The researchers sought to answering the following questions
- What would be the chemical component of ipil-ipil, banana peel, and baby oil as one of the best substitute
- How effective the samples comparing to commercial shoe polish in terms of the following:
- Shine b) Odor c) Economic value
C. Hypothesis
Maybe Ipil-ipil, banana peel, and baby oil can be used as substitute shoe polish.
D. Significance of the study
The researchers conducted this study in order for the people to be informed that ipil-ipil, banana peel, and baby oil that can be an alternative for making shoe polish that can really help people in solving their problems about not good looking shoes. So with this study people will be more convenient.
E. Scope and limitation
This study is limited on how to make shoe polish out of ipil-ipil, banana peel and baby oil.
Review of the Related Literature
A. Review of the related literature
Ipil-ipil is found throughout the Philippines in
settled areas at low and medium altitudes. It is gregarious and abundant. This is a small tree,2-6 meters high. The pinnae are 8-16,and 5-8 centimeter long. The leaflets are 20-30,linear oblong and 7-12 millimeters in length . The heads are solitary, at the leaves, long penduncled, globose, and 2-5 centimeters in diameter, with many white flowers. The pods are thin,flat,strap-shaped,12-18 centimeters long and 1-2 centimeters wide, each containing from 15-25 elliptic, compressed, shiny, brown seeds. Ipil-ipil is popularity known in the Philippines for firewood and is useful also in reforestation work. It is also much used as a cover crop is an good exterminater of “kogan”. The bark produces brown dye. In some provinces the seeds used as a substitute for coffee. The seed are also used in making bags and etc.
The leaves are injurious to horses who eat them because it can cause falling of hair form their manes and tails. Cattles and goats do not seem to be affected.
The raw seeds contain fat 8.68 percent, crude fiber 22.59 percent, nitro, water 14.8 percent, and ash is 4.2 percent.
According to the African journal of food, science and technology, banana peel can be alternative wine and vinegar. The banana wine vinegar which complied with the standard ranges of brewed vinegar after complete fermentation. The aroma of the vinegar produced was appreciated by the consumers who were acquainted with vinegar. (African journal of food, science and technology)