Influence on Western Culture
By: Joce Castle • June 29, 2019 • Coursework • 330 Words (2 Pages) • 2,017 Views
Important men in history such as Martin Luther, Columbus, Gutenberg and Charles Darwin, each created a paradigm shift within the Western culture thus contributed an individual and unique influence in the culture. Martin Luther was a very important figure that formed part of the Protestant Reformation, movement that strongly impacted Western culture by encouraging the need of rights in freedoms within the culture. Christopher Columbus, explorer and navigator who discovered and colonized America, also had a strong impact on Western culture by means of “The Columbian Exchange.” Columbus’ voyages opened doors to colonization and trade between Europe and the New World. Moreover, Charles Darwin an English naturalist most highly known for his theories of natural selection and evolution, also became a great influence on Western culture due to his theories in the area of sciences. Although these men created unique contributions and strongly influenced the culture in some positively aspects, their contributions also opened doors to negative influences. For example, Luther’s movement of Reformation allowed for the adoption of an individualistic mindset within the culture which until this day can be witnessed in greater amounts. Second, “The Columbian Exchange,” allowed for trade, growth, influences and relationships