Guns N Roses
By: mar22 • August 11, 2013 • Essay • 942 Words (4 Pages) • 1,801 Views
• 1982
• Steven adler(drums) saul hudson-slash(guitar)
• A finales de 1984 fueron a LA a la tocada de una banda llamada Holliwood Rose principales Jeff isabelle y billy bailey conocidos como Izzy stradlin and axl rose para slash y steven les impacto axl
• Vicky Hamilton presento a axl y a slash… Steven penso que si tenian a axl como cantante y a Slash de guitarrista iban a ser grandes
• Marzo 1985 steven y slash se habian unido con axl e izzy y ese mismo mes Michael duff mckagan completo el grupo y se llamaron Guns N roses porque(….)
• En esa epoca tmabien estaba cinderella y poison
• Desde el princpio gunz se fue a un exceso de drogas alchol fiesta las 24 hrs el que mas tomaba era Slash
• No tenian n lugar fijo y normalmente se quedaban en casa de strippers
• 1986 la banda mas hot en LA but no record label los contrataba pero spring of 86 geffen records tom zutaut vio a la banda en un club fue cpon david geffen y le dij0o que tenia la mmejor banda y they sign the contract pocos creiian que durarian
• Summer of 1986 ya eran conocidos por todo holliwood to geffen record les preocupaba que no stubieran vivos
• En agosto del 86 empezaron a grbar y surgio SWEET CHILD O MINE que se le ocurrio como juego el sonidin e convirtio en una de las mas conpcodas canciones que fue para la novia de axl erin everly era una letter duaron cinco años
• July 87Appettite for destruction –welcome to the jungle
• August of 87 first world tour para promover el album
• Juluy of 88 apettite for destruction was the number one on the lists for
• August 20 of 88 during de mounster of rock festival n england 2 fans died crashed by the audience
• At the end of 1988 one of the most popular bands in the world
• Las ventas del album en el 89 febrero BREAK
1. DRUGS-SLASH steven out of control duff drink october of 89 an offered to open 4 shows of the rolling stones in LA the first convert axl gave an shock news like the band is over bcuz of certain memeber of the band y que si no parab si era el final slash new that was him
2. Spring of 90 again at the studio to make their most elavorated project the mmerbs couls traight out but steven he couldnt play he was so in the heroin in july of 1990bcuz of his lack of progress the band fired steven adler
3. Empeoro en depresion y el abuso a las drogas sufrio un infarto por cocaina (cocain induce struck)he did everything possble to kill himself he drink aa hole bottle of vodka to passed outDRUMMER the band hired Matt Sorum september 90 started recording the epic album use ur illusion 1 and 2
4. Band coomunication was by phone it was impossible to have them all in one room at the same time axl appeared few times
5. At the beggining of 991 was ending his album and planning a second would tour
6. The band had drasctly change like piano no one wanted but axl al terminarl el tour les dio a izzy slash y a duff un ultimatum que tenia el los right of the band name if something happens to the band and if they didnt signed it the group would be history
7. July of 91 concert st. Louis went out of control