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Ginger Soup Study

By:   •  June 29, 2019  •  Research Paper  •  2,437 Words (10 Pages)  •  1,388 Views

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We would like to acknowledge our family that give us financial support and moral support to do and finish this Research Proposal.

And to those who helped us to correct our grammars.

To Sir. Carlo R. Castro, for letting us use his laptop.

And above all to Almighty God, for the strength and power to finish this project.

                                                                -The Researcher 


I. Title Page

II. The Problem: Rationale and Background

2.1. Statement of the Problem/Objectives

2.2. Null Hypotheses

2.3. Significance of the Study

2.4. Scope and Limitations of the Study

Chapter 2

III. Related Literature Review

3.1. Related Legal Basis

3.2. Related Literature (local and foreign)

3.3. Related Studies (local and foreign)

Chapter 3

IV. Materials and Methods

4.1. Research Method

4.2. Materials

4.3. Equipment/Apparatus and Utensils

4.4. Procedure

4.5. Evaluation of Products

4.6. Statistical statement

V. Schedule of Activities

VI. References

VII. Appendix

VII. Curriculum Vitae


(Zingiber officinale as Hoarseness Remover)

A Research Proposal Presented by Group 2

Requirement for Research

Leader: Sandara Fillartos

Member: Kurt Castro

Mark Reynan Venus

Christine Macasa

Hazel Zambale

Malyn De Juan

2.1. Statement of the problem

        The main objective of the problem is focused on the effect of the ginger soup as an alternative hoarseness remover.

        It aims to answer the following questions.

1. What is the effect of the ginger soup into someone with hoarseness?

2. Can a ginger be use as an alternative hoarseness remover?

2.2. Null hypothesis

1.Ginger can’t be use as hoarseness remover.

2. Ginger isn’t effective to remove hoarseness within a few days.

Definition of terms

1.MALAT- a hoarseness voice also known as dysphonia is when the voice involuntarily sounds breathy, raspy or strained or is softer in volume or lower in pitch.

2.Ginger- a hot, fragrant spice made from the rhizome of plant which may be chopped or powdered for cooking preserved in syrup or candied.

Background of the study

Ginger is the rhizome of the plant Zingiber officinale, consumed as a delicacy, medicine or spice. It lends its name to its genus and family (Zingiberaceae). Other notable members of this plant family are turmeric, cardamom, and galangal. Ginger cultivation began in South Asia and has since spread to East Africa and the Caribbean. It is sometimes called root ginger to distinguish it from other things that share the name ginger.  Our problem is because most of the Filipinos who loves to sing are prone to have a hoarseness.

2.3. Significance of the study

Filipino loves to sing and some of them can be easily affected by hoarseness and it can affect their voice and daily lives and some of them can’t find a medicine that can cure their hoarseness.

So we conduct this study to help them find the best and affordable cure for their hoarseness.

Ginger is a popular ingredient in cooking, and especially in Asian and Indian cuisine. It has also been used for thousands if years for medicinal purposes.

2.4. Scope of Limitation

        This experiment deals with ginger (Zingiber officinale) specifically it’s soup. One of our group mate was assigned to bring ginger.

        This ginger soup conducted by group 2 and proved to be effective as an hoarseness remover.


3.1. Related Legal Basis

The proposed law-called Ginger Law-is named for a Pomeranian who passed away in the last few years after falling ill during a grooming appointment. The alleged cause was a flea shampoo used by the groomer.

Gingers law, if it passes on May 2nd, would place a variety of restrictions on groomers. Most of these, however, follow common sense practices that would serve to protect the pets in your care.

If the law passes when it is voted on Monday, it would go into effect starting January 1, 2017, and would carry penalties for groomers who don’t adhere to it. Some of these penalties would include fines ranging from $500-$1000 and revoking or denial or registration.

3.2. Related Literature

It has been used to help digestion, reduce nausea and help fight the flu and common cold, to name a few. Ginger can be used fresh, dried, powdered or as an oil or juice, and is sometimes added to processed foods and cosmetics. It is a very common ingredient in recipes. Ginger Contains Gingerol, a substance with powerful medical properties.

3.3 Related studies

Antimicrobial, Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, and Analgesic Effects of Ginger

PubMed lists over 1700 research papers on ginger, revealing important properties which include antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiemetic, antidiabetic, and anticancer. For example, ginger has recently been shown to have a range of antimicrobial effects (1-3), and in certain cases fresh ginger is found to be more effective than the dry ginger (4). A large number of studies have been conducted on the antioxidant properties of ginger. The bioactive molecules of ginger include the gingerols, and when dried or cooked, gingerol analogues such as zingerone and shogaol. Studies have shown that 6-shogaol exhibits the most potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, followed by 10-gingerol (5). Of all the spices, ginger is one of the strongest antioxidants (6,7).


Materials and method

4.1 Research method

The proponent will use a single group design in this particular propose study. This is the most appropriate because we only use ginger as the control group. According to Calmorin (2010) single group design has one comparable group employed as a controlled group.

4.2 to 4.3 Equipment’s and utensils

Ginger        Fire(for boiling)        Water

Container        Casserole

4.4 Procedure

1. Put the ginger in a container and then wash it to remove the dirt from the ginger.

2. Put the washed ginger in a casserole with water and then boil then ginger and wait until it’s cook and wait again to cool it off in a can and drink it.

4.5. Evaluation of the products






Hedonic Scale:

Extremely Acceptable-5

Very Much Acceptable-4

Moderately Acceptable-3

Slightly unacceptable-2

Extremely Unacceptable-1

Look for a ginger in a gar   den or in the market

[pic 1]

Wash the ginger and to remove the molds from it

[pic 2]

Put the ginger in the casserole

[pic 3]

Put some water in the casserole

[pic 4]

Cook it for 15 minutes

[pic 5]

After it put the ginger soup in the container

4.6. Statistical Treatment

Weighted mean will be used to determine the acceptability of Ginger soup.

The formula:

WM= ∑xw



Weight (w)

Frequency (x)


Extremely acceptable


Very much acceptable


Moderately acceptable


Slightly acceptable


Extremely unacceptable


                                                           N=                            ∑xw=

V. Schedule of Activities


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