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Functional Fit Analysis Matrix

By:   •  November 13, 2018  •  Coursework  •  23,012 Words (93 Pages)  •  1,436 Views

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Level of

Compliance Description Comments


The software meets the requirement fully

and completely without any

modifications other than configuration.

Comments are optional. Describe how your software meets or exceeds

the requirement.

Proposers must complete the technical system requirements matrix in this appendix by providing a level of compliance and comments

for each requirement as follows:

Functional Fit Analysis Matrix

Proposers must complete the system requirements matrices in this appendix by providing a response to each requirement using the

legend that follows:

Note: Vendors may be tempted to answer Y, S or I to all questions to ensure a higher compliance score. The project team will

evaluate the reliability of Y, S or I responses and the extent to which M responses actually provide a modification that addresses the

desired functionality. Proposals containing incomplete System Requirements Matrices, or a lack of clarity as to how the requirements

will be met are subject to rejection. Proposers providing intentionally false responses will, if awarded a contract resulting from this

RFP, be considered in breach of such contract resulting in damages owed the County and cancellation of the contract.

Technical Fit Analysis Matrices

Y – Standard Function

The proposed software provides the requested functionality without screen, code, or design changes. The proposed product can

satisfy the specification without any modification to the standard baseline software offering. Only use Y if the software fully meets

the requirement.

M – Modification Required

Screen, code, or design modifications must be made to the standard offering to satisfy the specified requirement. A brief explanation

is required to support any proposed modification; explanations should be provided in the “Comments” section of the matrix. The

explanation must include an assessment of the impact of the modifications on system performance. The fixed fee cost proposal must

include cost associated with all M responses (including design, coding, testing, installation, and all other costs associated with the


F – Future Release

The desired feature or component is not currently available as standard functionality, but is scheduled for future release. Please

indicate a date by which the specified functionality will be available. Only use F if the future release will fully meet the requirement.

N – Cannot Meet Requirement

The desired feature or component is not available as standard functionality or through modification.

S – Standard Report

The proposed product cannot satisfy the reporting/inquiry requirement without any modification to the standard baseline software

offering; however, the requirement can be met through the development of a query report using proposed ad hoc reporting tools.

The proposed software provides the requested report without screen, code, or design changes. The proposed product can satisfy the

specification without any modification to the standard baseline software offering. Only use S if the software fully meets the reporting


I – Standard Inquiry

The proposed software provides the requested online inquiry screen without screen, code, or design changes. The proposed product

can satisfy the specification without any modification to the standard baseline software offering. Only use I if the software fully

meets the inquiry requirement.

Q – Query Report/Inquiry

January 10, 2001


The software partially meets the

requirements without any modifications.

Briefly describe which aspects of the requirements are met, and which

are not. Also indicate whether the software is capable of being

modified to fully meet the requirement, and if so also describe the level

of effort required to comply.


The software does not completely or

partially meet the requirement, but can

be modified to meet the requirement.

Describe the nature and level of effort of modifications required to

meet the requirement.


The software does not completely or

partially meet the requirement, and

cannot be modified to meet the


Describe why the software cannot meet the requirement and suggest at

least one alternative approach to meeting the requirement.

January 10, 2001

Reviewers Notes:



ID Requirements

Degree of

Requirement Code

Cost of

Modification Comments

System should support online preparation of detailed line item budget requests by departments for

the following budgetary processes:

· Periodic Appropriation & Funding Budget Required Y

· Periodic Capital Budget (new and re-authorized) Required Y

· Periodic Operations Plan (Operating Budget) Required Y

· Performance Based Budget High Y


System should support the online publication of budget request instructions and guidelines to be

followed by departments (through the utilization of web technology).

High Y


System should capture all data and textual information required to complete the budget requests

identified in GB1 (above) and allow for reporting on said information in high quality, camera-ready


Low Y


System should publish the County’s budget documents on the web in a HyperText Markup Language

(HTML) format.

High Y


System should support the use of budget categories or summary objects. Defined expense objects

would roll up to a specific budget category.

High Y


System should segregate and separately forecast salary and fringe benefit costs (including

insurance, federal taxes, retirement contributions, workers’ compensation, etc.) of filled personnel

positions and vacant personnel positions at any point in time.

High Y


System should allow for the downloading and/or uploading of budgetary data from/to spreadsheets

and other common office tools at any stage of budget development process.

Required Y


System should provide the ability for department users to attach supporting text, notes,

spreadsheets, graphs, and database information to their budget requests.

High Y


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