Full Title of Your Project: Science
By: Omar Baldwin • March 11, 2019 • Research Paper • 797 Words (4 Pages) • 955 Views
Full Title of Your Project: Science
Omar Baldwin
ENG122: English Composition II
Instructor Faith Kindel
December, 3, 2018
Full Title of Your Project: Outline
Research Question: Whats is being done to help end homelessness in Los Angeles?
Introduction (work on the body paragraphs first)
“In January 2018, the Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count counted an estimated 31,516 people experiencing homelessness on any given night in the city of Los Angeles”(“Walker,2018”)
Once we come together as a community we will then beable to talke this problem together.
Thesis statement: What is being done to end homelessness in Los Angeles is that there is more shelters, peer support programs, affordable housing programs,surveys and community support programs being created.
Body Paragraph: Are shelters helping to end homelessness in Los Angeles
In Los Angeles we do not have enough shelters avalible around Los Angeles. Some communities around los angeles dont want homeless shelters in thier community for
“Plans for bridge housing at the empty library building predate Garcetti’s program. The project was proposed last year by Councilmember David Ryu and will be funded through Measure HHH, a sales tax bump to pay for homeless housing that LA voters approved in 2016”(“Chiland, 2018”).
“The building would house about 60 people who are chronically homeless in the area and have a disability, which could include mental illness or a substance abuse disorder. When neighbors learned about this potential deal, a battle began — the same kind that we've seen in Koreatown, Venice, Sherman Oaks, Irvine. The list goes on and on”(“Replogle, 2018”).
Eventhough building more homeless shelters would help end ho melessness we could still use a little more community support and a lot more Peer Support Programs.
Body Paragraph: “This Q sort study included 20 peers and 20 professionals whorank-ordered 43 statements into a hierarchy to identify critical elements of peer supports within a homeless population”(“Baker, 2018”).
When one is homeless they usually no support from anyone but their service providers. The author in many ways gives us the idea to have more peer and professionals support groups to help end homelessness. We need more than just programs. We need affordable housing as a whole.
Body Paragraph: “On average, renters in L.A. are paying 47% of their income for rent. The average rent for an apartment in Los Angeles County is about $2,300 per month. *In order for housing to be considered affordable, a family should not spend more than 30% of its income on rent. Thus, a working family needs to earn nearly $42 per hour – or $87,880 per year – to afford the average rent in Los Angeles”(“Causes & Solutions”).
This webpage informs us that Affordable Housing in Los Angeles is totally unaffordable. We can help end Homelessness by providing more affordable housing units. The only way to really know what helps the homeless is to ask them through survey i believe.
In 2004, Los Angeles’ unemployment rate was 7.7%compared to Tokyo’s rate of 5.0%, showing greater competition for employment in LosAngeles. In addition, Los Angeles had a higher GINI coefficient (0.45) than Tokyo (0.31) in 1999, demonstrating greater disparity between low- and high-wage earners”(“Marr, 2012”)
The author