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Facebook Description

By:   •  March 18, 2019  •  Coursework  •  1,945 Words (8 Pages)  •  883 Views

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  I.  Introduction    Facebook is a free access website, which is operated by Facebook,Inc. People can                           use Facebook as a way to connect and interact with others online. They also can make                                 friends, send messages and update their profile pages. According to Dan Noyes (2015),                           there was a significant increase in a number of active Facebook users, about 18% year by                                 year. It means about 890 million people access to Facebook site every day. With that                               number, Facebook is one of the most popular social networking websites over the world.                             This report aims to research about the technologies that Facebook used and have been                             using. The structure is divided into 2 part. The first part is about technologies, include 4                                 section: programming language and database that are used to develop Facebook, security                         architecture and server architecture. The second part is about whether the programming                         language and database change over time.    II.  Technologies    1.  Programming languages    Facebook use PHP programming language for the frontend development. PHP is a                         programming language or a scripting code tobeusedprimarily todevelopapplications write                             to the server, open source, general purpose. It is well suited to the web and can be easily                                     embedded into HTML pages. Facebook is written in PHP because it is optimized for Web                               applications, fast, compact, like C, Java syntax and the time to build the product short                               compared to other languages. PHP is also a web programming language popular in the                             world. Besides that, the frontend is also written in JavaScript, which is running in users’                               browser like most of the website. JavaScript is a programming language for interactiveweb                             pages. It is also a client­side programming language only and one popular way to develop                               applications for the user interface (UI). Facebook also use Linux operating system for the                             frontend. It is run on Apache HTTP Servers,whichis is themostpopular opensourceweb                                   server in use. For the backend service side, mostof themarewritteninC, C++andJava. C                                       is very effective and most preferred programming language to write a software system or                            

application. C++ is like an enhanced version of theClanguagewithsomeadditions suchas                                 the concept of class, theconcept of virtual functions,operator husband, multipleinheritance,                           templates, and exception handling. Java is a language object­oriented programming (OOP)                       and based on the class (class). Java syntax is borrowed much from C & C ++, but the                                     object­oriented syntax simpler and less powerful lower handle. Therefore, a program which                         is written in Java is easier and simpler, helps to take more bugfixes.Pythonis alsousedin                                       some areas like internal tools and glue code. Python is an easy language to learn, and                                 powerful. It has high­level data structures efficiently and object oriented programming                       simple. It is a superlative language to write the script and rapid application development in                               many areas and on almost every system. The underlies Chat and the channel servers are                               developed in Erlang programming languages. C++, PHP, Python, Java and Erlang alsoare                           supported byThriff.ThecommunicationbetweenthewebfrontendandbackenduseApache                           Thriff.    2. Database  Basically, Facebook uses MySQL for editing structured data storage which includes                       personal data and spreadsheets, such as wall posts,user informationandtimeline. MySQL                           is used primarily as a main storage of data and spreads between numerous of logical                               requests. MySQL is able to work flexibly and accurately so Facebook uses it as its main                                 database.  PHPisascriptinglanguageandaadvancedwebprogramminglanguageamongwith                           many worthy provisions with active and high skilled administrators who give responses                         quickly and accurately.Facebook’s main form of storing is Memcached which is able to                           decrease the loading time of the database efficiently.Data is stored in RAM to make the                               database driven website to run smoothly and actively by Memcached – a memory storing                             system. This is the reason why Facebook try to utilize it.  Cassandra is a database management system that helps Facebook to process the                         huge amount of data through a lot of servers. It powers Facebook’s Inbox Search feature                               and provides a structured key­value store with eventual consistency.  HipHop for PHP is a source code transformer for PHP writingcodeandwas created                               to save server resources. HipHop for PHP changes PHP source code into optimized C++.                             After doing this, it uses g++ to compile it to machine code.            

3. Security architecture    Security architecture is a security document design that addressestherequirements                       suchasauthenticationorauthorisationandalsoinnecessities


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