Endocrine System
By: kmariemackinnon • July 20, 2014 • Essay • 549 Words (3 Pages) • 1,333 Views
Endocrine System
Long term control
Helps maintain homeostasis
Target Tissues
Feedback Loops
Control hormone levels in the body
If the hormone level gets too high, the gland that produces it senses that, and shuts off production for a while.
Works like a bathtub overflow or a thermostat
When the level of thyroid hormones gets high enough, the pituitary gland detects this and shuts off its production of TSH
Pituitary Gland
TSH Hormone
Thyroid Gland
Thyroid Hormone (Thyroxine)
Chemicals released by a gland that make a change somewhere else in the body.
They go to a target tissue (TT)
1 stage hormones (single gland releases a hormone that goes directly to a target tissue)
2 stage hormones (a gland releases a hormone that engages another gland that releases a hormone that goes to the target tissue)
Types Of Hormones
Non-steroid hormone: Sits on the cell membrane, does not go in the cell, and is soluble in water. (example: Insulin, growth hormone)
Steroid Hormones: Goes into a cell to make a change, not soluble in water. (example: male and female sex hormones)
Ductless glands: No tubes, special only to the endocrine system. The hormone gets directly released into the blood stream.
Ducted gland: Gets released only to a small area (example: Oil duct on a hair or sweat glands)
Pituitary Gland
Master gland
Two lobes: Posterior and Anterior
Releases hormones that cause other glands to release their hormones (2 stage hormones)
Lobes Of The Pituitary
Anterior: Growth hormone, ACTH, TSH, FSH, LH, PRL
Posterior: ADH, Oxytocin
Thyroid Gland
Releases thyroxine
Thyroxine regulates metabolism in the body
Pituitary releases thyroid- stimulating hormone (TSH), the TSH goes to the thyroid, then the thyroid releases thyroxine. (2-stage hormone)
Low thyroxine=Low metabolism=High weight
Thyroid and Iodine
Iodine is an important part of your diet
Iodine levels too low=enlargement of thyroid gland
Shows importance of negative feedback loop to shut off thyroxine
No iodine in diet= thyroxine production drops
To compensate, the pituitary makes more TSH
Too much TSH causes the thyroid gland to enarge= goiter
Islets of Langerhans release 2 major hormones: Insulin and Glucagon
Insulin: Released when blood sugar is high, makes cells