Dentify a Circumstance in Which a Federal Court Might Use Its ?diversity Jurisdiction? to Hear a Case
By: bderek • September 25, 2014 • Essay • 281 Words (2 Pages) • 1,498 Views
Please turn in the individual quiz when you have finished it. Please turn in the group quiz on hard copy at the beginning of class on Monday, January 28, 2013. The quiz will be posted on Sakai, and I am also providing extra hard copies so your group can start immediately if you wish.
Each question is worth two points. These points are for internal bookkeeping purposes only; how much a question is worth depends on which quiz is your best, next best, and worst score. Note that your individual score will be added to your group score.
N.B. On the group quiz, where you have the entire body of human knowledge available to you (except for people in other groups in the class), I would expect a more complete answer -- with an example, perhaps, where relevant -- in order to get full points. In short, what gets full credit on the individual quiz might not get full credit on the group quiz.
1. Identify a circumstance in which a federal court might use its "diversity jurisdiction" to hear a case. Provide an example that demonstrates that you know what is required for diversity jurisdiction.
2. What is meant by the term "general jurisdiction"? What courts have general jurisdiction?