Comparative Study on the Effect of Varying Magnetic Fields on Plant Germination and Health
By: GedDanielR.Gido • September 15, 2018 • Research Paper • 1,041 Words (5 Pages) • 1,077 Views
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Science Investigatory Project Research Paper
“Comparative Study on the Effect of Varying Magnetic Fields on Plant Germination and Health”
Proponents-Group #5
Ged Daniel R. Gido
Shawne Michael M. Tumalad
Rica Emerald
Anika Motas
Grade 10-Fortitude
Subject Teacher:
Mrs. Arlene B. Adducul
Date: September 9, 2018
Phase I. The Proposal
I. Problem
Great efforts have been made throughout the century in order to increase plant production to cope with starvation. Some of the solutions made are about crop rotation, exposure of plants from different colors of light and creating the perfect formula of fertilizer. On the other hand this study suggests that we can improve the growth and yield of plants by treatment of its seeds before they were grown using rectified sinusoidal un-uniform magnetic fields. The experimental objectives are;
- To determine whether the magnetic field can influence plant germination based on the observational data.
- To compare plant growth between different control groups under the magnetic field at different points in time.
- What parameters of plant growth are affected by varying magnetic fields?
II. Title: “Comparative Study on the Effect of Varying Magnetic Fields on Plant Germination and Health”
In this experiment rectified sinusoidal non-uniform electric waves were used in order to measure its effect on the different parameters of plan germination, namely; leaf size, root length, shoot height, leaf spots, leaf spots and lastly stem curvature.
III. Rationale
The main hypothesis is that static magnetic field has effects on plant growth. If plants grow in an environment with magnetic field, they will grow differently than if they grow without magnetic field. A magnetic field is a region of space that results from the motion of electric charges; it is always associated with everything that carries electric current. The field may be pictured as lines of force, also called flux lines: the direction of the field at any point is given by the direction of the line in that point and its magnitude is proportional to the density of lines near the point. Unlike electrostatic field lines, the flux lines are continuous without beginning and end (this means that isolated magnetic poles do not exist). In this experiment rectified sinusoidal non-uniform magnetic fields induced from 0.33 tesla and 0.45 tesla magnets.
This study will be conducted under organoponic conditions in a span of 3-4 weeks. The plants used in the experiment are (Pisum sativum) or Peas, (Raphanus raphanistrum subsp. Sativus) or Radishes, (Allium fistulosum) or Welsh/Spring Onion and (Vigna radiate) or Mung Beans. There would be 3 control groups for each type of plant. 1). Non treated seeds would act as control group, 2). Low Magnetic Field with plants under 0.33 Tesla Magnet and 3). High Magnetic Field under 0.45 Tesla Magnet. The plants would have about 1.5-2.0 liters of soil, container about 10 inches in diameter and 6 inches in height, buried about 3-4 inches deep and an average amount of 200 ml per 2 hours of exposure to sunlight (2/8) and the what’s left in one liter(200 ml) will be used for the rest of the day. Plants would also be exposed to sunlight 8 hours per day in average of 25°- 29° and humidity level ranging 30%-50% (average humidity level in the morning with same temperature). After the setups have been made, we would create a weekly basis the number of seeds that have grown and the factors of plant germination that should be measured.