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Christian Theology and Sexuality

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Christian Theology and Sexuality

Liberty University

Stephanie Dooley


When looking at the words Christianity and sexuality, many would say that it is like looking at oil and water, the two just do not mix.  Everyone has their own view and beliefs regarding sexuality.  In today’s society, sex has become one of the top selling tools used by the media and is exposed more today than in the past.  Many Christians, when looking for answers regarding sex may feel as if they are being pulling in many different directions and not have a clear understanding on how they should perceive or express their sexuality.  It is important for Christians to have a clear understanding of God’s true intentions for mankind regarding sex and sexuality and not be swayed by others views on the topics.  

Theology of Sexuality

        In today’s society, there has been a large increase in the interest in sex and sexual behaviors over the past several decades.  This can be contributed to the development of technology as this has made it easier to access sexual materials.  No one is exempt from being exposed to these materials, even Christians.  Christians are being exposed to sexual temptation through different technology such as the internet, television, and even phone apps.  Today’s generations are being overloads with the sexual imagery and today’s culture that puts them fact to face with the temptations.  Without have the proper teaching about God’s true intent for sex, Christians are being pushed towards sinful behavior due to the misleading information.  The concept that “sex sells” is one that is used too often by companies in commercials, radio ads, and billboards.  The society has turned sex into something that is viewed as just a casual encounter.  This causes individuals to think that it is okay to engage in premarital sex to fulfill their wants and needs.  Marriage is looked at as something that is not going to last due to the increase in divorce rates and the younger generations view it as not worth waiting for.  Now is the time that Christians need to make sure they are educated in God’s true meaning and purpose for sex and to have an understanding on the true beauty that can come with sex and intimacy when a relationship is the way that God wanted it to be.

A Search for Answers

        Society has made many changes over the last several decades, some good and some not so good.  The way marriage is viewed has changed along with the way the family is viewed.  The family unit no longer center around a happily married couple of a man and woman with children that like to be outside playing and developing lasting relationships.  This unit has been replaced with the increasing acceptance of same-sex couples, children being born to couples not married, and an increase in divorces and multiple marriages.  Children no longer want to play outside as they would rather play video games or on cell phones.  This does not allow them to develop relationships within the family or outside the family.  Most of this is due to the development of technology and media saying all of this is now the norm.  in addition, the media allows the younger generations to feel that sex is something that helps sell or promote different items.  Hoover (2006), states that it is impossible to completely avoid the media due to all the many forms making it present in about every aspect of a person’s life.  Due to this, children today are being exposed to sex at younger age.

        Parents today are more apt to leave the raising of the kids to electronic devices which means that they are not getting the proper guidance when it comes to the need to know about sex or sexuality.  The children are able to go online and type anything into a google search, and they are made to take what the internet says about the topic as the truth.  This can not only give them the wrong impression regarding sex, but it can also overexpose them to sexual images.  When a parent refuses to talk to their children about sex or sexuality, the child is forced to learn from their surroundings and technology (Cloete, 2012).  Even though the parents may not be talking to the children about sex, the child can still learn about it by the parent’s actions.  It is important for parents to be aware of their actions regarding sex and sexuality and take the incentive to be open with their children to help them have a healthy understanding about the topics.  This is a good opportunity for the family to get the church involved and allows the parents to express God’s true intent for sex.

In God’s Image and Design

        When thinking about sex and sexuality, where does it all begin?  The best place to start is from the creation of man.  Looking through the Bible, sexuality and spirituality are connected to one another.  It is no surprise that the creation of man is interlinked with the image of God.  Genesis 1:26 states, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground”.  This is so important that the first line is repeated in the next verse stressing the importance of this creation.  Genesis 1:27 lets one know that God created mankind in his own image and that he created male and female.  God created Eve because he knew that Adam needed a companion.  After seeing that Adam needed that companion, God provided him with the guidance for that relationship through Genesis 2:23-24. These verses state, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman, for she was taken out of man. That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.”   Thus, Adam and Eve were married and stood in front for God both naked and unashamed.  One can take from this that it is safe to say that sexuality within a marriage was part of God’s plan for sexuality.        

Go and Be Fruitful

        When talking about sexual theology, it would not be complete if procreation was not involved.  Genesis 1:28 talks about procreation by telling one that God stated to go and be fruitful and increase in number.  In addition, Psalms talks about how God blessed the couple by allowing them to share in the creation of life due to sexual intimacy.  Per Pittenger (1975), sexual expression can lead to procreations but unlike other animals that procreate, that sexual expression includes the binding of two people in an intimate relationship that leads to the birth of a child.  This is not only unfair for the child to have to be brought up in that type of family dynamic, the couple opens themselves up too many other problems such as sexual diseases when engaging in premarital sex.    

        God provided the gift of sexual intimacy for many reasons.  Genesis 4:1 tells us that Adam made love to Eve and she became pregnant and gave birth to Cain.  Eve states that with the Lord’s help, she brought forth a man.  Eve’s statement talks about how the creations made by sexual intimacy, are blessing from God.  Genesis 4:1 and Genesis 2:24 are both regarding the oneness of marriage.  That oneness they talk about come with all the benefits of intimacy between the two spouses.  Akin (2002), states that one of the reasons we have intimacy is comfort.  In addition to all of this, God gives the marriage advice instructing that the husband find pleasure, joy, and happiness with his own wife.  The husband is told to make sure his is paying attentions to certain needs of their wife as the wife is to take care of her husband’s needs.

God Blesses the Marriage Bed

        Many use scriptures to answer questions as they arise regarding sexuality.  Some have even used it to try to convince their spouse that any sexual act that is between a couple is acceptable if they both agree to the act.  This is not true as the Bible does not talk about all the different sexual acts but does talk about acts that should not take place (Ellens, 2006).  Scripture talks about how to know which acts are acceptable and which acts are destructive.  There are laws that are set not only by the church but also in the secular world that have stated which sexual behaviors are bad such as sodomy, incest, and rape (Hyde & Delamater, 2011).

        With that in mind, does it mean that married couples can do whatever they want?  No, as some acts are still viewed as bad in the eyes of God.  There have been studies that show that some couple believe it is acceptable to view porn together as a couple (Hald & Malmuth, 2008).  Even though they are married, this type of act can be damaging in the long run to their marriage.  Viewing pornography even just once, can cause a person to become addicted to it and develop a very serious problem that can damage the marriage.  In addition, by viewing porn, even if one is doing it with their spouse, the individuals are satisfying their sexual pleasures outside of the marriage.  By satisfying their needs by viewing porn, can lead the spouse to eventually wanting to satisfy those needs with another person other than his wife.


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