Carbon Emissions and the Service Sector
By: bayedero • October 21, 2012 • Essay • 9,188 Words (37 Pages) • 1,663 Views
Carbon emissions and the service sector
Companies outside the manufacturing sector generally do not perceive themselves as
significant sources of atmospheric carbon dioxide. This impression is mistaken. Large
service companies are usually major users of electricity and gas, and many of their
employees engage in substantial car and air travel. The delusion that non-manufacturing
companies are responsible for only a small volume of emissions is dangerously
The widespread scientific consensus is that typical total emissions, across all human
activities, will need to fall from about 12 tonnes per person in European countries to
about 3 tonnes, or even less. Per employee, many large service-sector companies today
emit at least three or four tonnes of greenhouse gases. In other words, people's emissions
in their employment - covering just forty or so hours of the week – are greater than the
total allocation that we can allow across all activities.
The purpose of this note is to provide benchmarks for office energy use and business
travel patterns. We hope to assist senior managers and investors assess the performance
of individual companies.
Our main conclusions are as follows
· Office-based companies, with no retail or manufacturing activities, produce about
two and a quarter tonnes of carbon dioxide per year from the workplace. This is
more than the carbon output per person of the typical UK home.
· Retail activities, such as running the branches of banks or operating supermarkets,
add significantly to these numbers. Media companies can exceed five tonnes per
· These numbers do not include the impact of purchasing electricity generated from
renewable sources.
· There is no evidence that emissions are falling. In fact, the increased power use of
computing equipment and the growth of air conditioning are tending to increase
carbon dioxide output
· Business air travel continues to grow. Large companies continue to need their
employees to use aircraft to visit customers and attend internal meetings and there
is not sign of any successful substitute. Even inside those companies trying hard
to make conferencing work, it replaces an infinitesimal fraction of all flights.
· Air travel per employee varies enormously between companies. The emissions
from flights exceed 3 tonnes per head in companies as diverse as professional
service firms and publishing companies. Businesses with a small number of sites
and a limited need for travel have figures of less than a tenth of this.
· These air travel figures use the conventional assumption that the total global
warming effect of air travel is about 3 times the impact of the CO2 alone.
· Business car travel does not appear to be growing, at least if the limited data from
large companies is representative. Purely office-based companies appear to have
average emissions of about 0.3 tonnes of carbon dioxide per employee. Rail travel
is insignificant as a source of pollution and, encouragingly, distances travelled are
· There is no typical company, but most large UK service businesses probably have
office emissions of 2 to 3 tonnes, air travel emissions of 1 to 2 tonnes, and car
travel of about 0.3 tonnes per employee. An average firm will therefore have total
emissions of at least 3 and probably 4 tonnes per head. Northern Rock, possibly
the smallest emitter in our survey, puts out less than 1.5 tonnes per head.
Barclays Bank: an example
In order to set the scene for this report, we briefly summarise the example of Barclays
Bank in its UK operations. We focus on the company not because Barclays is particularly
energy inefficient, but because the bank publishes full CO2 emissions data in a
convenient form.
The company is also reasonably typical of the modern UK economy, with no
manufacturing activities but with a substantial usage of well-lit and heated floor space.
Barclays' contends that 'banking is a low carbon activity' and that the bank 'is not a
significant emitter of CO2'.1
These comments are true, of course, but only in some senses. Barclays is directly
responsible for only about one thirtieth of one per cent of UK emissions. But a detailed
look at the company's greenhouse gas output shows a picture which demonstrates that
even a financial services company has unsustainable emissions per person. The following
figures are taken from Barclays' 2006 UK environmental data2
Carbon dioxide emissions per employee, 2005 (tonnes)
Electricity 2.35
Gas 0.47
Energy in
offfices 2.82
Car 0.18
Train 0.01
Air short-haul 0.22
Air long- haul 0.40
Travel 0.82
Paper 0.27
Total 3.91
This table puts Barclays in a somewhat different light. Many of those active in the field
of climate change say very strongly that total emissions per person needs to fall to no
more than about three tonnes per head. In other words, the carbon dioxide footprint of
Barclays exceeds the sustainable limit, even though it is simply a workplace in which
employees spend less than one quarter of their time. If the employee's other emissions
from running a house, driving a car and taking other forms of transport declined to zero,
1 These quotations are taken from Barclays very full 2006 submission to the Carbon Disclosure Project.
he or she would still not meeting the required targets for greenhouse gases. This is an
illustration of the profound challenge posed by the issue of climate change.
Electricity and gas use
Other comparisons are revealing. Barclays' total use of electricity and gas per square
metre exceeds the typical home. It needs over 300 kwh of energy to run its business,
compared to only about 280 kwh per square metre for the average UK house. The carbon
problem is even worse; 70% of Barclays energy use is electricity, compared to 25% in the
average home. A kilowatt hour of electricity requires more than twice as much carbon
dioxide to be emitted to the atmosphere than gas of the same energy value. So the typical
UK resident generates yearly emissions of about 2.3 tonnes of CO2 from space heating,
water heating, cooking, lighting and running all electric appliances. The figure is 2.8
tonnes from working at Barclays.
Barclays is not unusual, and these comments