Breastfeeding in Public
By: katilynj • April 25, 2019 • Essay • 1,348 Words (6 Pages) • 891 Views
Public breastfeeding includes the practice of mothers having their babies suckling in public or open view of the general public (Scott et al. 2015). Mothers used to breastfeed freely in public because they had no worries that their practice could be viewed as indecent in public opinion. Today people have different feelings on whether breastfeeding in public is ethical because the perceive breasts as private parts that should not be exposed in public. Others feel that children needs should be prioritized regardless of whether a mother is in the eyes of the public. However, nowadays women also think breastfeeding in public is a sexualization act that is inappropriate (Scott et al. 2015). This paper stands with the argument that breastfeeding is not recommendable in public because it is indecent exposure.
According to Scott et al. (2015), the majority of individuals feel that breasts are just like any other private parts such as buttocks and they should remain wrapped and hidden. In essence, public exposure of breasts is considered a certain level of nudity that is morally wrong. For instance, something is noble for a mother who is seen breastfeeding her child in a public transport facility. Mothers should realize that their breasts are unique and should only be exposed privately to the pleasure of their spouse. The society has already categorized breasts as private parts by neglecting their sole purpose that is nourishing as well as nursing the baby (Scott et al. 2015). Currently, people live in a society where women are allowed to expose their breasts in public advertisement while new mothers are no longer allowed to expose their breasts even when doing a more important thing. Mothers feel that they need to cover themselves while breastfeeding their babies because the world feels breast functions have changed entirely (Scott et al. 2015). The noblest thing that a mother can do to the kid is breastfeeding, but mothers who breastfeed their kids in public are frowned upon.
Some men feel that breasts exposure in public is sexually arousing because it gets them uncomfortable. Scott et al. (2015) assert that women bodies are more perceived as objects of desire and they are not supposed to have their breasts used for anything than sex. Therefore if breastfeeding can trigger sexual arousal, then it can lead to such incidents as rape. For instance, breastfeeding is dangerous when mothers are isolated in places such as public parks. According to some men, breastfeeding is not only perceived as a physically intimate but also an emotional affair likely to pervert roam (Scott et al. 2015). Media houses have also portrayed breasts as particular organs that are used in advertisements which make it easy to see why the majority of people are not able to conceive breasts as something else that is not nudity.
Breastfeeding in public is perceived as a selfish and disgusting behavior that affects a large number of individuals (Scott et al. 2015). Some mothers use the excuse that breastfeeding is just another natural process which calls for attention on whether urinating or pooping should be done publicly. It is, therefore, a kind of displeasure for women to have their complete busts exposed while breastfeeding their kids. Rollins et al. (2016) assert that some mothers have a habit of using public breastfeeding as a chance to show their tattooed breasts. Babies need to be fed, but it is not an opportunity for mothers to show their breast sizes as well as other unnecessary things as tattoos. Some women also agree that breastfeeding in public is fundamental as well as a sexually explicit act that is so ridiculous (Rollins et al. 2016). It is pointless to assume that everybody who sees women exposing their breasts freely in public in the name of breastfeeding is not provoked. People think in different dimensions and capacities. Some people feel offended while others figure out that breasts are just milk-producing mammary glands. It is also ignorant to presume that men would be able to take control of their feelings without getting bothered by breastfeeding in public. Even though some individuals are not against breastfeeding entirely, they assert that it should be carried out discreetly. For instance, mothers should have something to cover up the babies as they breastfeed (Rollins et al. 2016).
It is inappropriate to think that women breastfeed out there with the aim of gaining cheap thrills. It is also so sad because it happens that some mothers put on their mammary glands on display which appears as a teaser of attracting male attention. Van (2017) observes that babies follow their instincts especially when they are hungry but it does not mean they have control over the bodies of the mother. Also, babies are not conscious that their desire to be fed comfortably is a challenge to the mothers, but still it does not mean that mothers have to do the inappropriate to satisfy their babies’ desire (Scott et al. 2015).