Bio 170: Fundamentals of Nutrition
By: TEEMAN • September 22, 2017 • Research Paper • 1,313 Words (6 Pages) • 1,362 Views
Running head: [BIO HOMEWORK 7]
Reginald Pope
Allied American University
Author Note
This paper was prepared for [BIO 170], [HOMEWORK] taught by [KAREN GARCIA].
BIO 170: Fundamentals of Nutrition
Module 7 Homework Assignment
Protein strengthens your muscles and organs, helps your immune system, and controls many processes inside your cells. Your body also uses specialized protein molecules to make red blood cells, which carry oxygen to all parts of your body. Proteins are large, complex molecules made up of smaller “building blocks” called amino acids. Digestion breaks proteins into individual amino acids that come together to form new proteins that fit the needs of each individual cell. Protein is an essential part of our diet, but because it is complex, it’s difficult to digest, so we can only eat small amounts every day. Protein does not get stored in the body, though, so it is important to eat it regularly. In this experiment, test food for protein using Biuret reagent. Before you begin, form a hypothesis regarding which foods you think contain protein.
In this week’s module 7 we learned about metabolic stress and how nutrition can help combat any of its complications. We were able to describe pre- and postoperative diets and methods of administration, and learned how to decide which diet a patient should follow. Many people, especially older people, take medications that may have adverse interactions; therefore, it is important to know how medications interact and how the use of vitamins and supplements can affect the absorption of certain treatments.Then finally, we gleaned an overview of how to provide nutritional therapy to patients suffering from gastrointestinal diseases.
In my hypothesis this week I will be using orange juice, sweet tea, canola oil, lemonade, whole milk, almond milk. Out of these six items I feel that only four contain protein in them which are orange juice, lemonade, whole milk, and almond milk. The two I feel that do not have protein in them are canola oil and sweet tea.
Results below:
Protein | No Protein | |
Milk (ShurFine) | x | |
Tea (Milo’s) | x | |
Lemonade (Tropicana) | x | |
Orange Juice (Tropicana) | x | |
Almond milk (Silk) | x | |
Canola Oil (Wesson) | N/A | N/A |
In my conclusion I discovered that I have 5 out of 6 of my items correct from my hypothesis. The table above shows that the four I had choosing as protein conveyed that I was correct. I knew that my answer of sweet tea would also be correct but I didn’t expect the Canola oil to leave me with no result. This reason is because the Biuret Reagent Solution did not mix with the oil instead like a solid it sunk to the bottom of the tube.
190(my weight) ÷ 2.2 =86.36 in kg
A high-quality or complete protein contains all essential amino acids in amounts that will support protein deposition in muscles and other tissues, as well as a young child's growth. High-quality proteins are well digested and absorbed by the body. Meat, fish, poultry, eggs, and milk and milk products contain high-quality proteins.
• High-quality proteins
- Contains all the essential amino acids.
- Animal foods contain all the essential amino acids.
- Plant foods are diverse in amino acid content.
• Digestibility
- Animal vs. plant
• Amino acid composition
- Limiting amino acid
Friday | Saturday | |
BREAKFAST | Honey-Nut Chex Cereal | Udi’s Bagels & Philly Cream Cheese |
LUNCH | Breton Crackers & Tuna | Red Robins: Grilled Turkey Burger wrapped in lettuce |
DINNER | Grilled Chicken Salad | Baked Chicken, greens, black eye peas. |
“Demand for gluten-free foods, across the board, is higher than ever. The biggest opportunities truly lie, however, with bakery and snack items, which are perhaps the most highly scrutinized categories within the gluten-free market. And while many consumers look to gluten-free products for perceived health benefits, "the top-selling categories for gluten-free specialty products are snacks-in particular, snack chips and snack bars," says Sheluga. "Despite the promise of a product being healthier because it's gluten-free, the real truth is that snack products are the best-sellers."(Kvidahl, M. (2015). Gluten-free rising. Snack Food & Wholesale Bakery, 104(5), 30-35. Retrieved from