Big Bang Theory Vs. Six-Day Creation
By: snalley • September 30, 2018 • Research Paper • 1,496 Words (6 Pages) • 1,574 Views
Big Bang Theory vs. Six-day Creation
PHSC 210-B06, Elements of Earth Science
Stephanie Nalley
October 14, 2017
In the Bible, it begins with Genesis 1:1, and it says, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth” (Gen 1:1, NIV). The entire first chapter of Genesis is spent examining the beginning and ending of creation. The chapter ends with Genesis 1:31 stating, “God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day” (Gen 1:31, NIV). I believe that created all things in a literal six-day creation, and I believe that the account of Genesis is accurate. Many people may believe in the validity of the Bible, and they may question the six-day creation model. The opposing side believes in the Big Bang Theory. Both view points on creation can utilize science to form their beliefs. The views of evolutions and creationist are opposites that has become division between people in their own theories of how the world began.
Old Earth Secular View
According to our text,” Old-Earth Creation holds that the Earth is ancient (4.55 billon years)” (Ross, Whitemore, Gollmer & Faulkner, 2015, pg.5). Old Earth places long periods of time in the six-day creation belief that a day was not a twenty-four-hour period. I understand that the secular view lacks the belief that God’s Word is an accurate account of the beginning of times, and they are searching for ways to prove that God was not the creator of the universe. They believed that the Earth was created in gaps of time. They also believe that Noah’s flood not affect the world globally, but they believed that it was only a local event (Ross, Whitemore, Gollmer & Faulkner, 2015, pg. 5). The Big Bang Theory is simply an argument to attempt to explain how and what happened to the universe. Most old earth beliefs come from Hubble’s Law. Edwin Hubble believes that the galaxies appear to be moving away from us at speeds proportional to their distance ( Big Bang theorist typically do not believe that earth evolved from a big explosion literally, but it is believed that the earth was like a balloon that expanded over time. Old Earth secular believers do accept that creation was a supernatural event, but they cannot agree that there was a true God that was the Creator. It opens the question to be answered—does God really exist?
Young Earth Creationist View
Young Earth creation is the belief that God did create the universe in a six-day period. This view believes that mankind was created by God, and they were made separate from animals, and mankind are the rulers over the animals (Ross, Whitemore, Gollmer & Faulker, 2015, pg. 5). The Old Testament can outline the events chronologically, and we are able to read the New Testament to reintegrate the young earth creationist view. Creationist believe that the Flood was a global event, and it was the reason for the rock layers and fossils. In my own opinion, Genesis should be treated as a history textbook because it holds the truth on how the universe was formed. This view, like myself, recognizes that God is Sovereign over everything, and He had the power to create the universe. In Genesis the word “yum” is used. It is Hebrew which in English means “day” (Morris, 1994). The usage of yum can justify that in Genesis the account can be noted as a 24-hour day, one solar day. I personally believe that many people reject the young earth creationist view because they fear people will say that they are only believing what they’ve been taught or that they are not believers of science. I do not believe either of these nonsense statements, but I do believe that we must base our beliefs on sound reasoning. I believe that we must not simply accept any belief without spending time examining why we believe what we do.
Comparison of the Big Bang Theory and Six-day Creation
Big Bang Theory and Six-day creation have some similarities despite their opposing beliefs. Both beliefs are trying to explain the origin of the how the world began and was created. They are two worldviews that have solid evidence to prove their beliefs. I believe that both sides would never agree that the other side is correct because the concept of finding some common ground seems unattainable. One concept that I think both sides can agree with is that neither have all the answers to how everything exactly happened. There is a lot of room for interpretation. Most evolutionist compare humans to the Great Apes. Creationist can agree that there are similarities between the Great Apes and humans. The fossils records are another common concept that both viewpoints share. Each belief understands that the fossils can give us insight and information regarding the rocks, animals, and various or organisms formed from the fossils, but they do not agree on the specific details. These two opposing beliefs seem to have the similarities on the basic concepts; they just differ in many ways on the way they reached their beliefs.
Contrast Big Bang Theory vs. Six-day Creation
The two theories allow room for similarity, but they contrast more than anything. There wouldn’t be opposing theories on how the universe was created otherwise. The Big Bang Theory focuses much of its beliefs attempting to disapprove creation and its belief that God created the universe. They are very hostile towards the idea that there was a super-natural formation of the universe. Those that believe in the Big Bang Theory typically align everything they believe off models and scientific terms and evidence. They do not allow the concept of a super national being justify how to the world was created. On the other hand, creationist sole basis is that the world was created through a super-natural force—being God. Every argument that they use has a Scripture to back evidence towards science to how the world was created. In the 1900’s, the evolutionary view was not widely believed, and the Christians were able to silence those who did believe in evolution; fast-forward to the 21st century, creationists are the ones being mocked for belief that God created the universe (Morris, 1994). One of the major differences that the Big Bang Theory and Six-Day Creation models have is the age of the universe. Evolutionist believe that the world is billions and billions of years old while the creationist holds to the world being thousands of years old. Evolutionist rely on a human-centered approach while creationist focus on God being the ultimate being who created the universe (