Article Review Sensory Issues
By: aad1961 • August 29, 2015 • Article Review • 584 Words (3 Pages) • 1,847 Views
Assignment: Journal Article Review
Having sensory issues is in overwhelming concern in the area of occupational therapy. What attracted me to this article was having a twin brother with sensory issues. In Andrew Waites’ article “On an Even Keel Sensory-Based Strategies for Better Self-Regulation, he presented instances in different settings. In these examples, occupational therapists around the nation integrated sensory strategies to improve personal self-regulation in a clinic, home, classroom, and community.
In the clinical setting in Newton, Massachusetts, Waites discussed a client that had significant modulation and discrimination difficulties across many sensory systems. The client had sensory issues that ranged from extreme and violent to a low arousal state. The skilled activities included swinging to catch a ball that helped to improve sensory and motor foundations so that the client would be able to participate in group sports. Another activity included in his therapy was bouncing off a large inflated air pillow. This technique calmed the client and provided whole-body, deep touch input. Overall, the clinic setting was successful in providing the appropriate therapy for controlling client’s violent outbursts.
The second setting was the classroom where a client with autism presented with poor somatosensory processing with the inability to use her arms or legs to climb, swing, or participate in pretend play. Touch pressure input was used to help develop an awareness of her body. Other interventions that were used were obstacle courses for motor planning at recess, singing sequential movement songs, and step by step backward chaining when dressing. Effects from sensory-based therapy in the classroom setting resulted in appropriate sequencing during circle time activities, engagement in pretend play in the dress up center, and better involvement on playground equipment.
The home was the third setting in Waites’ article. A client experienced meltdowns of hitting, kicking, yelling, and physical aggression when arriving home from school. His evaluation revealed sensory integration deficit affecting how he processed sensations of regulation, balance, bilateral coordination, and ocular motor skills. He was given a visual schedule to improve his self-regulation. Swinging before bed and the use of weighted blankets served as calming techniques. As these interventions took place, the client’s sensory issues improved at home. He became more comfortable with transitions to other activities and improved his communication with his family so that he could regulate his needs.