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Analyze the Governance Quality of Lgu’s of 48 Barangay’s in Tanauan, City

By:   •  May 10, 2017  •  Thesis  •  7,874 Words (32 Pages)  •  1,627 Views

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Chapter I



Government exists primarily to provide services that will make life worth living. Accordingly, local government unit as third tier government are created to bring government closer to the people by giving a quality services and for transformation of the lives. Local Government Unit as a big organization has its clientele. This clientele are the society and citizens in one location who are participating in every activities of the organization as a result of good governance. Government through its Local government units provides information and services for each individual of its customers, and as a result, this performance can be adequate by the clientele. The clientele is the final judge of the quality of the service.

Good governance is important for several reasons. It not only gives the local community confidence in its council, but improves the faith that elected members and officers have in their own local government and its decision-making processes. It also leads to better decisions, helps local government meet its legislative responsibilities and importantly provides an ethical basis for governance. There are some benefits of good governance

 such as promotes community confidence, encourages elected members and council officers to be confident, leads to better decisions, helps local government meet its legislative responsibilities and support ethical decision making.

According to Kang Ismet, (2014). Good governance is an important factor in achieving sustainable development and poverty reduction. Local government units (LGUs) all over the country are faced with a continuously growing population and the associated social needs. Resources available to LGUs are however not growing at a similar pace. In this context, efficient management of limited resources, popular participation and the development of productive partnerships between the local government, civil society, grassroots communities, as well as the private sector, are essential tools to progress. Good governance is about the processes for making and implementing decisions. It’s not about making “correct” decisions, but about the best possible process for making those decisions.

Role of accountability in good governance is a mechanism designed to ensure that the affairs or he entities are conducted with due regard to the interests of those who are interested in the affairs of the entity.

        Transparency implies the provision of relevant and reliable information to all. Transparency in decision making and implementation reduces uncertainty and curb corruption among public officials. It compliments and reinforces accountability (by enhancing efficient use of resources and by promoting participation) as well as predictability.

Good decision-making processes, and therefore good governance, share several characteristics. The governance quality index constructed here is focused on three principal elements: capacity of the LGU to mobilize and utilize resources, efficiency and effectiveness of the LGU in the delivery of social services and presence of mechanism to ensure accountability.

The problems seen by the researcher about accountability transparency and efficiency lacking in providing information about the provided services of a village not letting people get involved in making decisions about the services provided by a leader or captains.

 In line with this context, the researchers decided to carry a study on the community satisfaction on the governance quality of LGU’s level in Tanauan, City and to formulate action plans that will best aid to increase the level of satisfaction. The researchers considered that this study is very important and timely to conduct. As future accountant management, they believed that it is important to emphasize the insights, perceptions of community satisfaction since it is linked with their future profession and therefore will give them the initial exposure to their line of specialization. More so, the result of the study is very important to those who are concerned about the subject matter.

Statement of the Problem  

The objective of the study is to Analyze the Governance Quality of LGU’s of 48 Barangay’s in Tanauan, City. The study will seek answers to the following questions:

  1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:
  1.  Age;
  2.  Sex;
  3.  Position/Designation and;
  4.  Length of Service;
  1. How do the LGU employee respondents assessed the financial resources as to:
  1.  Accountability
  2.  Transparency, and;
  3.  Efficiency
  1. Is there a significant difference on the assessment of the financial resources of LGU’s when respondents are grouped according to their profile?
  2. Based on the results of the study, what recommendations may be proposed to maximize the financial resources of LGU’s.

Theoretical Framework

            According to Mr. Estimada and Mrs. Adriano (2014). The United Nations Development Program said that one of the reasons why a nation fails in achieving its millennium development goals is poor governance. If governance is such an important factor in the development of a country, then it is important to understand the factors leading to poor government performance, measure it, and improve it. This descriptive study is about the effectiveness of the Local Governance Performance Management System (LGPMS), a monitoring and evaluation, in pointing out weak areas of a local government in order to improve it. In this study, the author chose the Municipality of San Rafael in Bulacan as she is a resident of the town. The study’s focus is on the results of the LGPMS evaluation in the municipality for the period 2010-2012. The study revealed that the LGPMS is an effective tool in pointing out the weak areas of performance of San Rafael, thereby paving the way for improvement in delivering better services to the municipality’s constituents. For the year 2010-2012, the state of local governance performance of the Municipality of San Rafael steadily increased. Because of LGPMS’s ability to point out weak governance areas, San Rafael was able to focus on that area and implement policies and programs to improve its services. LGPMS is therefore an effective performance measurement and management tool in improving the quality of lives of San Rafaeleños.

          According to Rothstein and Teorell (2008). The recent growth in research on “good governance” and the quality of government institutions has been propelled by empirical findings that show that such institutions may hold the key to understanding economic growth and social welfare in developing and transition countries. We argue, however, that a key issue has not been addressed, namely, what quality of government (QoG) actually means at the conceptual level. Based on analyses of political theory, we propose a more coherent and specific definition of (QoG): the impartiality of institutions that exercise government authority. We relate the idea of impartiality to a series of criticisms stemming from the fields of public administration, public choice, multiculturalism, and feminism. To place the theory of impartiality in a larger context ,we then contrast its scope and meaning with that of a threefold set of competing concepts of quality of government: democracy, the rule of law, and efficiency/effectiveness.

According to Rahman (2016). “Good governance” as an issue of development is being widely used for improvements in socio-economic outcomes and for aid effectiveness and considered as the effective tool for overcoming multidimensional challenges existed in both developed as well as developing countries of the world and it has generated increasing attention and debate both at the national and international level over the past two decades. The concept of ‘good governance’ conveys the qualitative dimension of governance that indicates effective, efficient, participative, or democratic form of government which is responsible for transparent and accountable management of human, natural, economic and financial resources for equitable and sustainable development. Addition of the adjective ‘good’ to governance has given a sense of enhancement and almost become an obsession in the recent debates on international development and public administration in developing countries.

Conceptual Framework

Based from above cited Framework and theories, the researcher has conceptualized our research paradigm Stated in figure 1.

[pic 1][pic 2][pic 3][pic 4]


Efficiency[pic 5][pic 6]

Figure 1

Conceptual Paradigm of the Study

The main objective of this study was to determine the community satisfaction on the governance quality of LGU’s level in Tanauan, City. The study employed descriptive-correlational method of research. Officials of selected Barangay were the respondents of the study.

The conceptual model of this study used Input-Process-Output (IPO) model as illustrated in the figure on the next page.

The first box showed the input which included the profile of respondents in terms of age, sex, position/designation and length of service and their assessment on the governance quality of LGU’s level. The variables included accountability, transparency, and predictability. The variables were answered in the descriptive part of the study using the self-constructed questionnaire. On the other hand, a directional arrow led to the process made in the study which was the test on the survey questionnaire and data analysis. Statistical treatments were used to answer the hypothesis posed in the study.


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