Alternative Work Schedule
By: faith • January 23, 2018 • Research Paper • 5,063 Words (21 Pages) • 1,254 Views
MBA 610 9043 Leading Orgs and People
Professor Daniel Green
II. Executive Summary
The Federal Employees Flexible and Compressed Work Schedules Act of 1982, authorizes a versatile and innovative work scheduling program for use in the Federal Government. In recent years, the importance of flexible and compressed work schedules has been enhanced by the emergence of work and family issues. As the workforce ages, becomes more culturally diverse, and women make up a greater percentage, management officials are grappling with ways to resolve conflicts that arise when an employee's work and family responsibilities collide. (
Many management officials are finding that the use of flexible and compressed work schedules can help resolve a number of personnel problems. For example, an employee who routinely uses small amounts of leave at the start or end of the workday may be having difficulty integrating certain dependent care responsibilities with the constraints of a traditional work schedule that has fixed starting and quitting times. The establishment of a flexible work schedule that gives employees a reasonable degree of flexibility over starting and quitting times will usually solve this type of problem.
Additionally, given current demographic predictions, Federal employers will have to offer employees more flexibility in their work lives if they are to successfully recruit and retain qualified workers. The Office of Personnel Management report, Review of the Alternative Work Schedules Program, indicates that flexible and compressed work schedules will figure prominently in that effort. It found the use of flexible and compressed work schedules helped agencies recruit for some hard-to-fill jobs and helped agencies retain employees who otherwise would have resigned or been terminated. (
III. Introduction
The flexible and compressed work schedules was extensively discussed during the Congress' deliberations on the three-year experiment, the Federal Employees Alternative, Flexible and Compressed Work Schedules Act of 1978, and the current law, the Federal Employees Flexible and Compressed Work Schedules Act of 1982. A congressional report on the bill that became the 1982 Act indicates the use of these schedules is to be fully negotiable, subject only to the provisions of the 1982 Act. (
The courts have also ruled that flexible and compressed work schedules are fully negotiable. the court held that "in order for employees to have the flexibility and choice envisioned by the Alternative, Flexible and Compressed Work Schedules statute, both the overall contours of the employees' available choices and the manner in which an individual's choice is exercised within those contours, must be subjects included within the terms of the collective bargaining agreement and hence negotiable." (
Negotiations over establishing and using flexible or compressed work schedules should be undertaken in a spirit of partnership. A collaborative, interest-based approach will greatly increase the likelihood that a workable schedule will be established and implemented. For example, during the early planning stages, meet with the union to discuss the feasibility of an alternative, flexible or compressed work schedule, even on a trial basis, and discuss the types of schedules that could be successfully implemented at your agency. Share information; and if you are going to conduct a feasibility study, get input from the union on the methodology of the study. Try to work through differences that could result in a negotiation impasse. (
IV. Fact Sheet
The Federal Employees schedule for flexible and Compressed Work Schedules Act of 1982, authorizes a versatile and innovative work scheduling program for use in the Federal Government. In recent years, the importance of flexible, compressed and alternate work schedules has been enhanced by the emergence of work and family issues. As you know, the Office of Personnel Management, (OPM) plays an important role in implementing polices for the Federal Government organizations.
The establishment of an alternative work schedule for flexible or compressed work schedule constitutes a scheduled tour of duty when used with respect to compressed schedules, means all hours and days that make up the compressed work schedule for covered employees. The tour of duty, defines the boundaries within which employees must perform their basic work requirement and work credit hours, if they are permitted. OPM's regulations require agencies to establish a basic work requirement for employees under flexible and compressed work schedules. All work performed within the basic work requirement is considered to be regularly scheduled for premium pay purposes. There are few statutory or regulatory limitations relative to the establishment of alternative, flexible or compressed work schedules. Agency officials have significant latitude, subject to negotiation, concerning the type, design, scope, and operation of these schedules. Therefore, an agency head should view the negotiation process as an opportunity to create a schedule that is well suited to the agency's particular work environment, ensures the accomplishment of the agency's mission, and addresses employees' needs. (
Department of Homeland Security, (DHS), was founded, November 25, 2002 and when
Congress ultimately passed the DHS act. This is a federal government organization where we are comprise with over 500 total employees; however, I will only discuss the division I work for
which is Department of Homeland Security, (DHS), Acquisition Data Management Division, (ADMD) with 21 employees on our staff. Our physical location is 7th D Street, SW, Washington, DC.
V. Mission, Vision, Values, and Goals
Our mission will obtain the best value products and services for our DHS
customers. We will be innovative and continuously improve our processes for managing and
implementing acquisitions. We will support the mission, ensuring conformance with law and
preserving the public’s trust.
Our Values
• Team work: we communicate actively and openly with each other and with all
whom we serve. We value and respect the contributions of others.
• Integrity: We take responsibility for our actions and keep our word.
• Professionalism: We conduct ourselves in a professional, courteous manner that
reflects well on our agency.
• Customer Service: We are committed to helping customers achieve their mission. We
Work to serve our customers efficiently and exceed their expectations.
• Excellence: We strive for excellence and are committed to continuous quality
improvement. We take pride in providing the highest quality professional service. (Office of Procurement Operations
ADMD goals for an Alternative Work Schedules (AWS) will enable managers and
supervisors to meet their program goals while, at the same time, allowing employees to be more
flexible in scheduling their personal activities. The employee benefits provided by AWS
programs also are useful recruitment and retention tools. However, note that with the exception
of those policies subject to applicable bargaining units within DHS as having exclusive
recognition, it is at management’s discretion whether to offer any or all of the options under the
alternative work schedules program to employees.
VI. Strategy and Objectives
The purpose of this policy is to enhance business operations through increased customer service and reduce the need for overtime while allowing employees a flex-time work schedule to meet their personal needs. The Office of Procurement Operations, (OPO), ADMD, may accommodate the reasonable request of employees for alternative work schedule when consistent with the needs of the department to accomplish their objectives.
The Agency shall determine whether or not to establish AWS programs, negotiate with exclusive bargaining unit representatives when appropriate, administer the program efficiently, and ensure that AWS programs do not cause an adverse agency impact. OPO employees shall complete the request for Alternative Work, and obtain their supervisor's approval to establish an alternative work schedule. OPO Supervisors shall